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Prophecy 178 When You’re at Peace With Your Self

Updated: Oct 28, 2023

Prophetic Message From RUACH HAKODESH

Given to Prophet יוסף בן עזרא for the GLORY of ELOHIM (GOD)

Received on July 27th, 2022 on the year of our LORD, Tammuz 28th, 5782

Prophetic Message

When you’re at peace with your self

You can hear the voices of your soul and the voices of Truth and it will not cause you to flee from the pages of life lessons

When you’re at peace with yourself

The floods of Righteousness will fill your belly and living waters will run freely

When you’re at peace with your self

You honor, you love, you serve and never stop giving because you’re at peace with your self

So I say be at peace with your self and bring forth the good fruit that I know you can

When there’s peace made with one's self then you receive and release MY words with clarity.

The decision-making process is smooth

When you are at peace with yourself

Then you can love others

And be that lighthouse and wellspring in their lives

From that place of internal peace

Creations come forth

Inventions come forth, envy vanishes

Even the animals will prosper

Can you see Where it starts?

For I've never created vessels to self-destruct but trust in their maker

You’ll find a lesson in every riddle and from every story to every rebuke

And that’s when you can say that you've received it all with joy

End of the Message


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