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The LORD Gives Courage | Heavenly Manna (11)

The LORD Gives Courage | Heavenly Manna (11)

    Fill us, O SOVEREIGN ONE, with the Light of THY SON! May we burst forth with the radiance of THY Joy! THOU art our inspiration and hope! MASHIACH is KING and our graven idols we have forsaken. PRAISE be to YAH the LIVING ELOHIM!

My GOD is my ROCK and my SALVATION! HE hath become my STEADFAST FRIEND! HE doth stand with me at the end of all things. HE doth take me by the hand, causing me to mount up with eagle’s wings! Into the blue sky do I soar, HIS face seeking, not fleeing. FAITHFUL art THOU and RIGHTEOUS is THY NAME! O ELECT ONE, send forth THY Healing Rain! Cleanse THY servants and rise upon us as the sun doth over the hills in the morn.

In the weary land did I wander. No light lit my feet, only darkness. All mine substance did I lose and squander. All that traveled with me were but mere illusions. THOU didst warn me not to travel this broad way yet did I desire this performance. I didst set forth my feet on the stage. Blinded was I by grief, depression, and rage. In the foolishness of my heart did I choose the wrong way.

BELOVED ABBA YAHUVEH, spring forth and cleanse me. Grant me THY sweet serenity in these times of insanity. All the world doth turn into hell, yet I choose life and before THEE to live holy. I was mired in the dung of mine own doings. THOU didst cause me to rise from the dunghill. THOU didst wash me off with the Word of soothing. I saw mine error and the abominations of my a-whoring. With GODLY sorrow did I repent and receive forgiveness!

FATHER YAHUVEH, hear me in the NAME of YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH, the HOLY NAME ABOVE ALL Names. Grant me strength that I may endure the battle. Grant me wisdom to know that I am but dust before THEE. If THOU choosest to scatter me, what can I do? I am at THY Mercy, O LIVING GOD. Chasten me, if I turn out of the Way. Help me to take up my cross and surrender my life.

Though my heart shakes and quakes with fear for the troublous times ahead, may my faith in THEE never grow faint. Help me to endure hardness as THY good soldier for MASHIACH. Let me walk in the SPIRIT and not the flesh. Help me to cling to THY Garment and embrace THY Breast. Draw me and I shall draw closer unto THEE. THOU hast drawn me up from the pit and washed me clean. THY BLOOD hath made me new and set me free!

Help me, O YAH, to hear THY Voice! Make the chains of darkness to unleash me. I command you satan to flee, you have no choice! By the BLOOD of the LAMB am I granted this holy jubilee!

My heart doth burst forth for the longing it hath for THEE! When wilt THOU return, O IMMANUEL?! THOU wilt certainly appear, though THOU seemest to tarry. Walk THOU among THY people and touch our health. May we shine as stars, reflecting THY GLORY!

We have purposed in our hearts to run forth unto battle. Every goliath shall fall, just as the Jericho walls. Our horses are prepared, ready for us to saddle. By the end of that day we shall have brought down babylon’s halls. All the high places shall be torn down where upon they sacrifice cattle. We shall slay baal’s priests and cast down their vain laws.

Let the GLORY of YAH fill the temple! Let the GLORY of YAH stand over the threshold. Let the outer courts and the inner courts be sanctified, for the LAMB of YAH doth dwell in the midst of HIS people!!! HALLELUYAH! AMEN! HOSANNA in the HIGHEST! PRAISE be to our SOVEREIGN KING, the HOPE of Yisrael!

Let the earth and the fulness thereof clap for joy! Let the hills roll and the mountains drop down new wine! Let rivers of oil and the abundance of milk be found within Israel! Let the wheat fields sway in the Presence of the MOST HIGH SHKHINYAH! Let everything that hath breath praise YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH, our LIGHT, and our SALVATION! HE is the ONLY TRUE and WISE KING! In YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH’S NAME, AMEN!!!

Prophet Natan’el


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