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We believe – our first and high holy calling is to be conformed
into the image and likeness of YESHUA. And to obey the Torah;
YESHUA being the LIVING TORAH. This is a Prophetic Ministry,
a Temple without walls!

Get to Know us


This website is to bring glory to the ONLY TRUE GOD, the HOLY FAMILY – YEHOVAH (YHVH יהוה) GOD the FATHER, RUACH HAKODESH the HOLY SPIRIT, YESHUA HAMASHIACH the SAVIOR.  For this cause I bow my knees unto the FATHER of our LORD YESHUA HAMASHIACH of whom the whole FAMILY in HEAVEN and earth is named (Ephesians 3:14-15).


Our Team


Our Pastor, Prophet, and Apostle Ezra from Israel has taught us the true meaning of living by the Torah in our lives, fulfilling the commandment to love. He also brought order in the House of GOD. He is an honored man in Heaven and you can see all his teachings on this website to exalt the Only True LIVING WORD of GOD – our HEAVENLY FATHER and YESHUA HAMASHIACH.


Statement of Faith


  • We believe in the FATHER, YEHOVAH (YHVH יהוה); the Only Begotten SON, YESHUA; and the HOLY SPIRIT, RUACH HAKODESH. THEY are the HOLY FAMILY, ALMIGHTY GOD. (Psalm 45:13-17, Proverbs 31:26, 29, Proverbs 7:4).

  • We believe in the whole written Word of GOD from Genesis to Revelation, which includes the Torah and the New Testament.

  • We believe YESHUA is our Jewish Messiah and expects us to walk as HE walked, and that is in obedience to the Torah (YESHUA is the Living Torah), keeping HIS commandments. 1 John14:15 “If you love ME, keep MY commandments.”

  • We believe and preach the Gospel in its simplicity. YESHUA is the Word of GOD that was manifested in the flesh and HE died for our sins. HE rose again from the dead after 3 days and ascended into Heaven and HE now sits at the right hand of the Father, YEHOVAH GOD. HE now demands from us to turn away from sin, live a life of Holiness, and Obedience to The FATHER, YEHOVAH'S commandments.

  • We believe there is only one way to the Heavenly FATHER, YEHOVAH, and it is through YESHUA'S Name and HIS Shed Blood at Calvary.

  • We believe YESHUA has given HIS people the gift of the RUACH HAKODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) for those who receive YESHUA. The RUACH HAKODESH has also given 9 gifts for the edification of the body. We are a temple without walls that moves in these gifts of the RUACH HAKODESH. It is all for one purpose and that is to bring the HOLY FAMILY Glory.

  • We believe that holy signs, wonders and miracles follow those who believe and love YESHUA first, and that it is imperative that mankind does not follow after signs, wonders and miracles. In doing this, mankind and the body of YESHUA are kept from falling into deceptions.

  • We believe that the judgment of GOD is coming very soon to this world for its sin and unrighteousness, but GOD is calling many to repentance before it is too late.

  • We believe there is a Heaven and a Hell. Heaven belongs to those who have received YESHUA HAMASHIACH and turned away from their sins and persevere until the end (“We must through much tribulation enter the Kingdom of GOD” Acts 14:22). Hell is a place of fire and eternal torment prepared for those who have rejected YESHUA HAMASHIACH and have refused to turn away from their sins.

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