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Prophecy 53 “Israel, Open Your Eyes to Torah And Reject Not YESHUA!”

Writer's picture: torahkeepertorahkeeper

Updated: Nov 4, 2023

Given to חנוך בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor & Glory of ELOHIM (GOD) in Heaven

Written on Oct 26, 2019

Received October 26, 2019 – early morning

Related Scriptures

Matthew 24:4-5

4 And YESHUA answered and said to them:

“Take heed that no one deceives you.

5 For many will come in MY NAME, saying,

‘I am the MASHIACH,’ and will deceive many.

Isaiah 1:16-18

16 “Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; put away

the evil of your doings from before MY eyes. Cease to do evil,

17 Learn to do good; seek justice, rebuke the oppressor;

Defend the fatherless, plead for the widow.

18 “Come now, and let us reason together,”

Says YEHOVAH,“Though your sins are like scarlet,

They shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson,

They shall be as wool.

Prophetic Message

Moshe shall come again but with fire in his eyes and the commandments in his hands (John 5:45-47). All Israel shall behold MY GLORY, saith I, YEHOVAH. They shall behold MY GLORY and the GLORY of MY only begotten SON of AGES – the ETERNAL ONE without spot, without flaw.

Oh Israel, HE came the first time and you rejected HIM (John 1:11). Will you reject HIM again? HE cries for you. HIS heart cries out for you, oh Israel. “YESHUA HAMASHIACH” is HIS NAME (Matt 1:21, Luke 1:30-33). Call upon HIM in the hour of darkness. Call upon HIM when a thousand shall fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand so that it shall not come nigh thee (Psalm 91:7).

The plagues, oh the plagues, shall descend and shall come down as I pour forth MY bowls of curses once again. What was is what shall be. What shall be is what was, for there is nothing new under the sun.

Hearken unto ME, oh Israel, and know perfect joy. Know perfect joy through MY SON YESHUA who is the SON of RIGHTEOUSNESS much waited for. Wait upon HIM, oh Israel, and look not to another (Matthew 24:4-5). Look not to another and ye shall not be deceived. With the eyes of the flesh have you read the Torah and been deceived.

Do you not see the ROCK of AGES standing in your midst; HE being the CHIEF CORNERSTONE? Build upon HIM who is mighty to save; the EVERLASTING ONE and KING of GLORY. I cry out to you, oh Israel, I, YESHUA, your REDEEMER tried and true. I AM the ELOHIM of AGES. Before Abraham was, before Moshe of Old, I AM (John 8:58-59).

Pick up not stones to stone ME. Believe not these lies of the devil. I have defeated him and his works (1 John 3:8). Through ME you shall know victory too. Wash yourselves in MY BLOOD. Repent of your sins and be made white as snow (Isaiah 1:16-18). I am coming to cleanse you, oh Israel. I am coming to deliver you of all toils, troubles, and snares. But you shall have your fill until then, until you repent of your backsliding ways, oh Ephraim.

Follow MY example and take heed to MY ways. I came not to cancel or abolish the Law and the Prophets (Matthew 5:17-19). I came not to throw out the Way of Righteousness, for am I not the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6)? Hearken unto ME, oh Israel! Hearken and obey. Hearken and know life everlasting. Selah.


©2019 by Torah Keeper.

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