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Prophecy 350 O Ye Nations, Great Calamity is Coming!

Updated: Dec 20, 2023

Given to Prophet חנוך בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven

Received on November 18, 2023 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 5783

Prophetic Message


Oh Archangels of the MOST HIGH, ascend with a shout! Salutations from on High! Hear ye the Word of the LORD. Selah. The Word of the MOST HIGH is unbreakable. Selah. It shall not pass away. You have been entrusted with passing the Glory Cloud. Pass through. Enter in. There is no time to waste. The hour glass is falling. The time has been set. Selah.

Oh hearken all ye nations! The Word of the LORD stands steadfast before you forever. Hear and obey! Great calamity is coming. Repent now before it is too late! Who knows what a day may hold? Do you? Do not let your lives go idly by. You will find that MOST HIGH is not playing games. HE came to save souls and this HE shall do, but what will you choose? What will you do? The MOST HIGH is waiting, but HE will not wait for long. HE will not wait forever. Selah.

Oh Archangels of the MOST HIGH, you shall go to the Seven Churches, but you will not be liked, for you come to shatter their religious illusions. Selah. But I AM with you even to the ends of the worlds. You shall witness for ME and oh what a mighty witness you shall be! Shout HALLELUYAH! Selah. The signs you shall perform but they will not understand, for their minds are darkened. Selah. A remnant will come forth, for I must have MY 144,000. Selah. And this shall be. Selah.

Go and witness for ME. And they shall see. They shall see and their eyes shall be opened. At that point they shall be presented with a choice. Abide with ME, I YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY, or not. The choice is theirs. I will only accept a people that is open and willing to follow ME and MY SON YESHUA. If they do not, I shall turn them into hell. MY patience can only go on for so long. Selah. Repent!

The nations must be shaken, shaken out of their sleep, out of their slumber. I shall speak to them in a way they think not. I shall speak to them in the storm, in the hurricane, in sights unseen. They shall be terrified. They shall be awakened, but oh so few! Only so few will shine for MY GLORY. How many rocks do you see on the ground and how many are precious? Very few. So go this day and give this Word. Selah.

End of Word


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