Given to Prophet חנוך בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven
Received on January 31, 2024 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 21 Shevat 5783
Prophetic Message
Uncover the ways of darkness. Let the nations know. Let the nations see the error of their ways. I am about to topple their kingdoms. All their riches, all their fortunes, all their empires built up in their hearts will come to naught. MY Kingdom is an Everlasting Kingdom. Man's was not built to last, for only I am eternal. Selah.
Let Greece know they shall not prosper. They shall not rise again, for I have scattered them to the four corners of the Earth. Their power is undone. Their power is broken. They shall not prosper in their trade. They have a debt to pay, owed to ME I, YEHOVAH. The sins they have committed against MY people, against ME. . . they shall pay and I shall come to collect (10:30 a.m.). (2:50 p.m.) Selah.
A land of many gods and yet there is only ONE TRUE GOD. I shall come to inspect. Are they pious? Do they practice what they preach? I shall see. Selah. Greece, I have a controversy with you. You shall fall and not prosper. I am drawing MY people out of you and you shall know the ebb and flow of the ocean as I cause MY waves to wash over you. Your temples I shall destroy. I shall eliminate. Great fires shall arise as the unrest in the people's hearts overflows to the streets in the anguish of their souls against the political. Selah. Greece, a land of no peace, for they have rejected MY peace. You shall be trampled by the antichrist. You shall be put to shame, to open rebuke. he shall destroy your palaces as he brings your neck under the muslim sword for slaughter. Will you cry out to ME then? I already know. Seek peace, MY peace, and you shall prosper. Selah. (3:01 p.m.)
(5:10 p.m.) Antarctica, land of many waters, MY eyes have spied upon you. You do not escape MY gaze. I survey the land. I know what goes on, how you hide your secret military bases, but you shall not prosper. A wicked scheme you devise, but you shall not prosper. Though you may escape the eyes of men, you do not escape MINE. Selah.
The land shall be threshed and a smoldering ruin you shall become. Oh inhabitants of the Hollow Earth, wicked in your schemes, I shall pull you through and to she surface you shall be brought; your bodies strewn across the land. I shall make an end of you, for to you no paradise has been given. You shall be brought to the surface to die like men, as men in the time of war, for I am at war with you. Selah.
And all shall see your shame when I dispose of you. Selah. Hearken unto ME, oh land! Deliverance shall come. The meek shall inherit the Earth and the blood-thirsty cast out. Selah. (5:21 p.m.)
(2-1-24; 6:07 a.m.)
America, America, what have you not taught the other nations in the blood of your iniquity?! You are unholy before ME. You are not pleasing to your CREATOR. I call you out. Come to ME. Let ME cleanse you. I am here, even in your midst, but why do you look elsewhere? I send MY servants the prophets, but you do not listen. Do not say, “what is a prophet?” Study and show yourselves approved. A Christian nation, but where is CHRIST in you? In many places HE is excluded. You cannot pick and choose, oh America! You either serve ME I, YEHOVAH, or you don't. There cannot be mixture. Light and dark do not mix. Get rid of the idol temples across the land. Tear them down! You have been infiltrated. What will you do?
Trump can only do so much, but what will you do? You must choose to serve ME whole-heartedly or you will not survive what is to come. Many will perish in the furnace of affliction. Storms of great pressure will arise across the land. Judgment will fall. I must strike the nail on the head. Will you listen? How much must you lose before you bend the knee, before you submit to ME? Do not harden your hearts, for is a sure ticket to hell. Do not curse ME in your hearts. I know who is listening. I know who will obey. Selah.
South America, listen to ME! I, your CREATOR, am calling you back, back into MY loving arms. Selah. Meditate upon ME. I am here. I am closer than you think. Your sins before ME have opened a great portal. You are no better than America; so much blood shed in the land! Turn from your wicked ways. Turn before it is too late. Selah. The portal is open to swallow you up. Only you can close this portal with heart-felt repentance. Selah. You do not know what waits on the other side. Do not beckon it to come forth! Quit your sins! Turn from your religiosity. Religion will get you nowhere. Selah. Turn before it is too late. There is still mercy for you at this time. Do not waste it! Turn from your wicked ways. Be an example. Selah. (6:31 a.m.)
(10:24 a.m.)
The sins of the forefathers, your forefathers, are great. Paganism. Witchcraft. Murder. Rebellion. And the list goes on. Crimes too heinous to be listed here, but they shall be addressed! You must close the portal! You must repent before it is too late! What will it take? Selah. I already know, but only a remnant will come forth from you, South America. Be prepared! Do not wait any longer. The bowls of MY wrath are about to tip, about to spill and your nation shall be covered by it. Selah. Today is the day of salvation! Tomorrow is too late! What will you do?
I have done everything I can. The ball is in your court. Repent! Repent before the great earthquake strikes! See the headlines. Entire cities demolished. Millions dead (10:34 a.m.). (12:38 p.m.) Creatures coming up onto the shore line. Coast obliterated! Is this what you want, oh South America?! Answer ME I, YEHOVAH, from your hills! Answer ME from your high places. See what GOD can do. I shall answer. Selah.
Not one nation on this planet shall escape the judgment that is to come. Not one. To Varying degrees each shall be judged, shall drink of the wine of MY wrath. Selah. Unmixed I will pour it down your throats. The abominations that are committed underground, for this you shall be judged. Each nation has a hand in what is going on just beneath the surface. Is it any wonder that all of creation cries out for the manifestation of the sons of GOD, of MY Seven?! Nay! And I tell you more! (12:46 p.m.)
Watch the skies, MY people. Be not affrighted at what your eyes behold. Do not allow your faith to grow cold, your hearts to dim. I am with you! Remember, this is the hour of testing and I test all – both good and bad alike. I test MY children and those who were once MY children, for am I not the tester of metals, a refiner's fire? Selah. Yes, I AM. And so I test and test. How thick is the foundation? What have you built upon? Is it MY Word or sinking sand? What do you build with? What materials do you labor with? Is it with the finest materials or inferior metal – a composition the likes of which I shall not have in MY Kingdom. I am testing. MY fire is coming. Prepare. Pass your tests now so you will pass your tests then. Selah.
Watch ME come, MY children. I shall come like a whirlwind and sweep across this land. Not one nation shall be spared. I come to inspect. I come to take action. The Earth is YEHOVAH'S and the fullness thereof. The Earth is MY footstool. (3:28 p.m.)
(2-2-24; 7:14 a.m.)
MY children, I enlighten your eyes. You shall see the inner workings of the nations, the back-door deals. Many things they do off the record, but I have recorded all and you shall expose. It shall be a time of great trial, for the inner workings of man must be exposed. Selah. I start with MY house and it has already begun.
That nations shall reel at what is to take place. There shall be rumors of war that will spark a wildfire event. Do not be caught up in it. I am judging the nations, revealing the secret dealings. All shall be exposed one way or another. I prepare you now, for these will not be easy messages to give. The nations will hate you, despise you. You will see truly how many hate ME I, YEHOVAH, and MY SON YESHUA. I peel back one layer at a time. And you do not have to go far or look very deep. The festering has already begun. Selah.
Oh little, tiny nation of Israel, the cup that I hold in MY hand, shall I drink of the poison you offer ME? It is no different than in the days of old. You just think you are more sophisticated, but you are not. I shall trample you and allow you to be trampled. You have fallow ground in your heart that must be broken up. Selah. And so I shall. You have grown stale, grown stagnant, but I have a remedy and remedy the situation I shall. Selah.
Seek ME. It is only when you go astray that I must turn the hand of discipline against you. Should I leave your sanctuary desolate? Should I take MY presence? (7:28 a.m.) (10:56 a.m.) What shall I do, oh Israel? You shall be surrounded. You shall be plundered. You shall know desolation. Answer ME! MY heart cries for you, oh Israel! But soon I shall gather you. After much fire and testing. You shall see.
Hearken unto ME! Your Torah speaks. Do you hear ME in the silent, still of the night? What about in the cool of the day? Or are you too busy to notice, busying yourself in your market affaits? You do not need the other nations, oh Israel. You only need ME. That is why I set you apart. By MY own hand, I set you apart. I AM your KING and I dwell in the midst of you. Will you come to ME? Will you allow ME to do open heart surgery? The choice is yours (11:03 a.m.). (12:58 p.m.) Selah.
Know ME, MY children. I AM your FATHER. Who truly knows ME? You will learn of ME and about ME and from ME for all eternity. Selah. Open your eyes and see. I give you new eyes this day – eyes of clarity, eyes of peace, eyes that do not wander either to the right or to the left. Selah. Stay with ME. I do not wander and I will never leave or forsake you. Though the mountains fall in to the sea and the islands are consumed in MY fury, I AM is here. Just reach out to ME. Call upon MY NAME – the NAME of YEHOVAH – through MY SON YESHUA; the only NAME by which you are saved. Selah. (1:07 p.m.)