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Prophecy 465 One at a Time I Shall Tear the Nations Down!

Writer's picture: torahkeepertorahkeeper

Given to Prophet  חנוך בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven

Received on February 6, 2024 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 27 Shevat 5783

Prophetic Message


Open to ME I, YEHOVAH, the Book of Daniel. Read to ME line upon line, precept upon precept. One at a time I shall tear the nations down. They wear a crown I have not given. Supremacy and authority belongs to ME I, YEHOVAH, alone and yet they puff themselves up as gods. Because of the knowledge they have gained, they think themselves gods believing they have the authority to give and take away, to kill and make alive. Selah.

Since when have I give man this knowledge? They have gorged themselves on the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. I have not given to the nations to eat of this fruit, to partake in this evil. Selah. And yet the nations go ahead of ME, passing laws that should never have come to be, pursuing interests not of ME. And for this they shall pay, for they cause the people to commit great sin before ME. It is not that it is unforgivable in MY sight. It is that they will not come to ME that I might ease them of their burdens, that I might forgive them of their sins. They are hardened in their hearts and refuse to come to ME in their open rebellion and pride.

So I shall make an open show of them and judge them in their pride and folly. I shall show them who is GOD and who is not. Selah. (5:29 a.m.)

(8:18 a.m.)

Oh ye nations, listen to ME I, your CREATOR. Worship ME in SPIRIT and in TRUTH. Bring an acceptable offering. Forsake your manmade traditions and customs. Have pride only in ME. Boast in MY commands and not your own – a sure pitfall to hell. I AM calling you out of your pagan ways and traditions – this generational curse. Lean not on to your forefathers, for they are accursed before ME forever. Swear not by their names. Their inheritance is poverty and their end destruction. Boast only in ME I, YEHOVAH, alone. Selah. Seek MY ways and be set free. Be the apple of MY eye and trifle not among the wolves. Be set free indeed. Worship ME in SPIRIT and in TRUTH. (8:26 a.m.)

(10:40 a.m.)

I tell you a secret. All the nations are built on sand save Israel alone. That does not mean they will not be tested. It does not mean they do not have to accept YESHUA as MASHIACH. It is because of the promises of the forefathers that they are built on the SOLID ROCK which I AM. There are many in Israel who have built on sand in their hearts and if they do not repent, they shall all perish. I kill and I make alive. MY mercy is great as is MY wrath. Indeed I shall thresh the nations in due time, in due season. They shall know the course of action I shall take. You are either with ME or against ME and the same goes for MY house. I shall purge the rebels out of the land whether in Israel or abroad, for the Earth is YEHOVAH's and the fullness thereof. Selah. (10:48 a.m.)

(2:59 p.m.)

Walk with ME, MY children. Walk according to MY statutes. Do not let your hands be slack, but continually on the plow. Even on the Sabbath you labor for ME I, YEHOVAH, for did not YESHUA say the FATHER is always working? Yes. And so there is still a rest on the Sabbath. Let ME teach you. Let ME guide you. I AM your all in all. Rest with ME. I do not disappoint. Selah. You are only disappointed when your own desires are not met. Follow ME and live. Selah. Allow MY clouds of GLORY to cover you. There is no better place to be. Selah. (3:05 p.m.)

End of Word


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