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Prophecy 485 Counsel is with ME, Oh Ye Nations

Given to Prophet  שלמה בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven

Received on February 10, 2024 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 1 Adar I 5784

Prophetic Message


Counsel is with ME, oh ye nations. Counsel with the CREATOR, I, YEHOVAH the ALMIGHTY and I shall save your lands. For I identify with mankind and I have loved the Earth that I created, that I sent one who would redeem thee from everlasting destruction, MY SON YESHUA. But the voices of your men and women who bring the evil reports to the world causing worry and panic and a counterfeit preparation for troubles that will come up on the nations from war, must be stopped. 

Beware the false prophet who holds hands with the antimashiach. There is one ELOHIM, I, YEHOVAH the ALMIGHTY and I have one Torah, and I have come down from Heaven to show and teach MY way, the path of righteousness. The false prophet that I have revealed to you in your Book of Revelations, will cause the world to make preparations for satan. 

Beware the doctrine of the today's peppers, for they teach thee to survive without calling upon I, YEHOVAH. Why do you think they on are Tv before the world? I tell you surely there is not one prepper that will not fall into the hands of the antimashiach, those that do not follow after ME. They teach you to put your trust in sword and shield and the horse which shall all be broken and the horse shall die on the day of battle and the heart of that man shall be delivered into the hands of Satan.

All preparation, physically and spiritually by news and doctrine and reports of evil men is meant to hand your heads over to death, eternal death. 

Should I make it so that Donald Trump reign for a number of years on Earth, it is so that you can believe, oh man, and make true preparations. In this world and for eternity. Yoseph was chosen especially because he trusted in his GOD to keep him safe. Today, come to realize your lives are as a puff of smoke, a single breath, for you breathe in once and exhale then you are gone from the earth and then comes another generation. 

King David, I  had made him a King ruling over the nations, for he broke the teeth of lions, yet still he knew only in giving thanks and praise to ME, was his salvation. I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY AM Salvation for I alone truly know how to deliver. I do not rescue a man from the pit and then deliver him to the cage. Or deliver him from the lion and then deliver him to the bear. 

The book of Psalms, MY people, is a book all about the faithfulness of your GOD, I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY. It teaches man to number their days and realize their dire need for their CREATOR, I, YEHOVAH.

The children of I, YEHOVAH shall testify to the faithfulness of their FATHER for they will have this testimony.

End of Word

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