Prophecy 542 The Words of the MOST HIGH GOD, The LORD YEHOVAH
Given to Prophet שלמה for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven
Received on July 14, 2024 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 8 Tammuz 5784
Prophetic Message
The words of the MOST HIGH GOD, The LORD YEHOVAH, route from HIS mouth leaving in its path streaks of light and clouds like the rays of the sun and a plane's trail after it divides the air in its passing. HIS words spread and indeed becomes clouds not only upon the Earth but in the atmosphere of the heavens containing mysteries of blessings to the heavens. There is rain in the heavens for that is rain that penetrates deeper than the skin and deeper than the soil. Its water, waters the soul and spirit and is the dew the powers of darkness drank before their throats dried up in perpetual thirst.
No more will ye children of the FATHER, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY know sorrow for LORD YEHOVAH makes all things new. Joy is HIS nature and HE shall shine upon you in perpetual Day. Night thou shalt not know and yes Day and Night will forever exist but their order will be changed. Perpetual night shall be given to the wicked who have been judged by the LORD YEHOVAH to receive it but to the righteous, that is the just in HIS eyes, everlasting Day.