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Prophecy 545 Thou Stand Before I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY

Given to Prophet שלמה for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven

Received on July 28, 2024 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 22 Tammuz 5784

Prophetic Message


Thy guardian angels have been entrusted with bottle of thy memories. And because of their unique purposes to assist MY people, they have been given a spiritual office within thee, A seat of enthronement where they keep, protect and hide within thee writings of heaven, records and many documents of thee until the day Thou stand before I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY or the Appointed Judges of the Heavenlies. They are given a spiritual office but they play not the role of the Holy Spirit, nor can they for one angel cannot rule the household of a body, the temple of I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY and it is serviced according to the order of MELECH ZEDEK.

I, YEHOVAH say none serve in MY temple, that is the body, save the priests of the Order of MELECHZEDEK. There are offices and rooms within the body of MY children that is not of the service of the order of MELECHZEDEK. In the bodies of MY children are other holy spirits even the souls of men and women and they perform their service, helping that child to invite more and more of MY presence into their beings.

When deliveries are made to the soul of MY children such as gifts that concern a man's life, to succeed and do well as a plumber, electrician, lawyer, caretaker of animals, a gardener, the guardian angel has charge over these. When gifts are delivered that concern MY whole body such as prophecy,  tongues, wisdom, and many like these they are brought into the temple where the priests of the order of MELECHZEDEK, weave the gifts into the golden threads of faith within them.

Thou art a house MY children. many servants are required for the full operation and running of a house. Exalted AM I, now and forevermore.

End of Word



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