Given to שלמה בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven
Received on March 14, 2023 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, 5783
Prophetic Message
The Lord YEHOVAH speaks:
Do you see the value of your relationships, MY people? I YEHOVAH teach you and you are tested by fire. Daily show the appreciation for the price each has paid to belong to ME through patience, mercy, forgiveness and forbearance.
As your FATHER I YEHOVAH have said, no one has invested more into each of you and sacrificed more than I YEHOVAH have done to train you, MY people in godliness and to protect you. So treat your brethren’s souls like handling fragile glass, like a tender shoot. And watch each other bloom in a greater way.
Oh Mighty warriors draw near ME today for you will go where I tell you and do all that I say for each of you, MY people, for you are MY chosen to tear down the enemy's gates, bind the strongman and take back all that was stolen. Why me you say? Unworthy you think you are? Who is worthy? There is none good but I YEHOVAH but I live in vessels call men and women.
Do not repeat the words of these honored men Jeremiah and Gideon while on earth. Do not say I am a youth and know nothing and neither say I am the least among my family. The eyes deceive and only by faith is truth found. Live by faith and walk on the water with ME, I YEHOVAH and MY SON YESHUA.
Everyone needs help MY people. That is the value of kindness. You are made on earth after the same kind, and mankind is required to be kind to each other. To relate, to understand the others needs and to open wide their hands to help.
Each help required is different, therefore kindness is to meet the others needs. Kindness is kind is because it relates to each uniquely and all together because in the SPIRIT of your I, FATHER YEHOVAH, you are all one.
Open wide the hand and give what your I YEHOVAH has invested in each of you MY people.