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Prophecy 251 Shabbat, This is the Day of Your FATHER YEHOVAH's Rest

Writer's picture: torahkeepertorahkeeper

Updated: Dec 18, 2023

Given to Prophet שלמה בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven

Received on April 1, 2023 in the year of our LORD, 5783

Note: Shabbat or Sabbath is Friday sundown to Saturday sundown

Prophetic Message


One of the 24 Elders speak:

Shabbat, this is the day of your FATHER YEHOVAH's rest after HE made all things, the day of HIS command for HIS creation also to rest, and also the day to watch for your fellow sheep, or donkey, if they have fallen into a pit, to pull them out. The day where you find your neighbor needing your helping hand and extending your hands in kindness that all may find rest. For it is the keeping of your FATHER YEHOVAH's commandments.

Prophets were always meant to prophesy first to those of their household. Prophecy was always to be heard first by the members of the house. For such has always been the path of the Prophet.

Remember always people of LORD YEHOVAH and LORD YESHUA that love is not just found in prophecy for these are words from the Heavens but in your action, and you must have this.

Do you know even the fish of the sea have a soul? And even the algae that grows have a soul, for it has life and all life gives an account for what has been given it. The account of the life of a weed growing in the wild, even this the angels take note of. The voice of the tiny plants are heard and your CREATOR LORD YEHOVAH answers them. How HE bows HIS ears unto the small and listens and answers the cries of kings. Yes Great is HIS Name and mercy and great is HIS wonderful presence, one of the 24 Elders.

End of Word


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