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Prophecy 308 Oh Israel, Oh Israel, Hear ME Now!

Updated: Oct 23, 2023

Given to Prophet חנוך בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven

Received between 2:15 p.m. and 2:47 p.m. on October 14th, 2023 from our LORD

Prophetic Message


Oh Israel, oh Israel, hear ME now! You stand upon a precipice. One wrong move and a great fall is set before you. Look not the other way. Fall not into the temptation of trusting in the weapons of man. They cannot deliver you now. It is only by the help of MY hand that you will succeed, which you need.

Do not cast off the promises of the forefathers. Do not cast off the Ancient Path. This is the Way, the Truth, the Life. . . your life, your existence, your reality, oh Israel. Have you forgotten, oh Israel? Shame on you! I shall rain the fires of destruction upon your enemies, oh Israel, but I shall deal with your sin. The land shall be purged, for how much unbelief is in the land?! For in the land where the Torah comes forth, more do not believe than do. How can this be? Selah.

I shall deal with your enemies. They shall be no more and I have various ways of accomplishing this. Weather. Earthquake. A great cleansing shall take place. Look not with the physical eyes; trust not, for they are no better than the eyes of a beast. Trust not! For how much trouble has been caused, have you brought forth by going by the eyes of the flesh? Oh Israel, answer ME I, the LORD GOD!

MY children, shout seven times the fall of the enemies of Israel! And they shall fall! It has been preordained. And all the nations that forget GOD shall be turned into hell. I am no respector of persons. What I do to one nation, I shall do to another for their apostasy against ME. But I have a remnant in each and them I shall deliver. Selah.

Come to ME, oh MY people. Come. Run! The time is short. Present your offering. Stand before ME. Are you still standing in the Valley of Decision? Do not delay. To the measure that you obey, this is the measure that I shall protect you. Hearken unto ME!

End of Word


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