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Prophecy 378 Do You Want More of ME, MY Children?

Writer's picture: torahkeepertorahkeeper

Given to Prophet אברהם בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven

Received on October 17, 2022 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 22 Tishrei, 5783

Prophetic Message


Holiness and Righteousness abounds in MY House. All riches, riches indescribable are found רק [only – raq] therein. With ME dwell unfathomable mysteries. Yet, dwell I in simplicity. Keep it simple MY children. Behold I, your wonderful Beloved FATHER and see. Look and tell ME, wherein am I caught up? Wherewith have I trouble of soul? Of the mind? Yet, I, even I, YEHOVAH, THE ALMIGHTY, AM HE, CREATOR of All the eye can see and cannot see nor the mind fathom. The weight of it all, I carry. Yes, I, your FATHER, YEHOVAH. But AM I weighed down?

Don’t you think I have reason to, many reasons to have trouble of mind? Yes, if you go looking for them. Because with ME, is abundant Shalom. Abundant מנוחה לנפשיכם [Rest for your souls]. And I say unto you MY children, take up MY Example before your eyes and allow not trouble of soul nor of mind or of heart. MY SON YESHUA accomplished it all for you that with ME you may dwell. And thus, I have called, yes, I, המלך [HAMELECH] – THE KING, have called you and draw you by MY side. What else should matter MY children? If it is I that justifies, who dares then condemn?

If it is I, I YEHOVAH, that lifteth up the sceptre of Mercy and Grace unto thee, who dares execute? TRUST, MY children. It boils down to TRUST. Have FAITH believe, in I your FATHER and the work I have and do accomplish for you and on your behalf. For all who come to, I, YEHOVAH, must believe that I AM, and that I AM a REWARDER of those who diligently seek after I, THE ALMIGHTY.

By MY merits and MY merits alone. By MY Righteousness and MY SON’s Righteousness alone do you stand before ME. Be as the priest Joshua and put thou off thine filthy rags and be adorned in I, yes I, YEHOVAH’S Robes of Righteousness and מלכות [Malchut- Kingdom]! Take dominion MY children. Take dominion in MY NAME and the NAME of MY only begotten, YESHUA, MY SON.

Stand thou firm on MY word and the winds will beat, and the waves will roar, but thine house shall be built on solid ROCK. Yes, I, YEHOVAH, THE ETERNAL. Be thou unmoved in ME. Learn of ME, of MY SON YESHUA. Unmoved was HE, no matter the day, the time nor the hour. Not even when roused from sleep. HE was solid as a ROCK. Yes, because HE was built on and built by HIS FATHER, THE ROCK – צור העולמים [Tsur Haolamim – The Rock of Ages], I, THE WONDERFUL, YEHOVAH.

A great Heritage have you in your hands. Throw it not away for a trifle. Great riches have I in store for you, just for you MY precious children. Meditate on this. Meditate on ME, yes I, YEHOVAH! Is there anything better? Anything sweeter, MY children? Nay? Need I say nay, MY children? Yes. It is nay! There isn’t none the sweeter, none the tastier, none more lovely than I, YEHOVAH, ONE and the same.

Taste of MY goodness. Taste of MY sweetness. You have already tasted, and you have seen. Behold, your souls and spirits do marvel – and they want more, they ask for more. More of I, YEHOVAH, THE ALMIGHTY, THE LIVING ONE, ONE and the same.

Do you want more of ME, MY children? Yes! I only give you more, and not less. Yes, more and not less. Only more and NEVER less. Shall I who knoweth how to bestow Good gifts not bestow this upon ye MY beloved children? Children of MY RANSOM? For I AM GOOD, altogether GOOD. Yes, indeed, ABSOLUTELY GOOD! HALLELU YAH!! Give Glory to I, YEHOVAH, MY children!!! ישתבח האל [Yishtabach haEL – GOD be praised]!!

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