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Prophecy 73 "How You Need The River!"

Writer's picture: torahkeepertorahkeeper

Updated: Nov 5, 2023

Given to Prophet חנוך בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor & Glory of ELOHIM (GOD) in Heaven

Written on January 18, 2020

Related Scriptures

Psalm 29:1-2 1 Give unto YEHOVAH, O you mighty ones, give unto YEHOVAH glory and strength. 2 Give unto YEHOVAH the glory due to HIS NAME; worship YEHOVAH in the beauty of holiness. Galatians 6:9 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

Prophetic Message

How you need the River MY children! Let it flow through your veins. The river of MY Truth, MY Life - the very River that flows through MY veins. You need ME MY children. You need ME to sustain you when the skies are filled with poison. You need ME to be there when in the light and when in the dark (John 8:12). Don’t try to figure ME out MY children, for who can know the mind of the GREAT “I AM” (Romans 11:34-36)? Just obey. Just follow and obey. Just listen to your orders and obey. I AM with you MY children. Are you with ME? Just hearken and obey. I have given you the manual of life. It is the Torah. Listen to HIM, MY SON YESHUA - the spoken Word and the written Word (John 1:1-5). Follow HIS lead and miss not a step, miss not a decree. HE is the GOOD SHEPHERD, the CARETAKER of your souls (John 10:11-17). Now watch HIS Way and be in HIS timing. Be in step with HIM and you shall never go wrong, never go astray. Never grow weary in doing well, for in this you bring ME much glory (Galatians 6:9). When you show your faith and do not doubt that I AM is a rewarder of them that diligently seek after ME, this brings ME much glory! Come to ME, MY children, and keep not your FATHER waiting. Run the course. Finish the race. Win the prize (1 Corinthians 9:24-27). Oh give unto ME, MY children, give unto ME the praise, the honor, and the glory (Psalm 29:1-2). For am I not worthy? Am I not a loving FATHER who causes HIS children to escape the snare of the fowler? Am I not the loving FATHER who has purchased unto HIMSELF a Bride spotless and true? I have brought redemption unto mankind. I have brought the REDEEMER of souls and HIS NAME is YESHUA HAMASHIACH (John 3:16-21). So look not for another. Do you hear ME, oh Jews?! Look not for another, for only deception will you find, come face to face with. Allow ME to purge you of your sins, for I have already made the provision and HIS NAME is YESHUA HAMASHIACH the GLORIOUS ONE. Allow ME to put the eye salve on your eyes that you may see as I see. Trust not in the works of the flesh. Trust not in your man-made traditions (Mark 7:1-13). Salvation, redemption comes only through YESHUA HAMASHIACH who you despise. HE is coming again with fire in HIS eyes (Revelation 19:12). HE is coming again with the light of the passion of MY eyes. HE comes to you, oh Israel, and what will you do? HE comes to light your path, to fill you with the brilliance of ADONAI. Be careful not to offend MY MESSENGER (Malachi 3:1-3). Be careful not to touch his Ark. Be ye holy as HE is holy. HE comes to light the path and to show you the way. HE comes to hedge you in and about with MY protection. Will you listen to HIM? Or will you offend HIM? You better not. Oh Israel, search the Scriptures and offend not the ONE who goes before the LORD, even the LORD thy GOD. Be careful and offend not, for HE comes bearing the BRANCH. HE comes to light the path, to show you the Torah in action, the Torah made simple, made plain. Do not complicate MY Word, for did I not pronounce a curse on the one who would add or take away from MY Word (Deuteronomy 4:1-2)? Then what is your excuse for causing even the simplest of babes to not understand? I shall hold you accountable for this and do. Dark times are coming and you need to be able to hear MY voice (Zephaniah 1:14-18). Oh children of MINE, hearken unto your FATHER. Hearken unto the GREAT “I AM” and make no misstep. I am there to forgive, yes, but do not make a habit of sinning. MY mercy extends to those who love ME, who grieve not the HOLY SPIRIT, who honor the GREAT “I AM,” who honor MY SON and HIS Word. Oh Israel, heed MY ways and do not doubt. Heed MY ways and sin not. Thousands of years and what have you done with MY Torah? How have you treated the ONE who gave the Word and spoke from Mount Sinai? Do you still cower at the sound of MY voice or do you draw near with an upright heart (Exodus 20:18-21)? I make known to you this day that I love you, oh Israel. As I have spoken throughout the ages, so speak I this day (Jeremiah 31:3). Do not hesitate to pick up the commandments. To honor ME and MY FATHER. I come to wash you, oh Israel. I come to plant MY plantings in the midst of you. Will you allow ME? Will you allow ME to break up the fallow ground, to tend to MY garden in the midst? I speak of your hearts, oh Israel (Jeremiah 4:3-4). I come to fulfill you, to bring you everlasting peace. MY NAME is “I AM” and there is none like ME, oh Israel. Never forget that. Never forget MY ways or ye shall gain a blot. I AM is with you. Are you with ME? Where is the gaze of thine heart? Upon the foolish things? Oh grieve ME no longer, Israel. Grieve not your FATHER or the SON of the GREAT “I AM.” Hear ME, oh Israel. I am loving. I am kind but grieve not the RUACH HAKODESH. Do not test MY patience. I AM is with you. The time of woe is at hand and you need to get under the shelter of MY Wings. You need to trust in your MESSIAH and YESHUA is HIS NAME. There is no other (John 14:6). Come into HIS saving arms and ye shall be made whole. Ye shall experience the resurrection and the life. Outside of HIM there is only decay, there is only deception. So trust ME this day, oh Israel, and put not off your Salvation another day. For who knows what tomorrow holds?

End of word.


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