Given to Prophet אברהם בן עזרא for the Praise, Honour and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven
Received on 27th September, 2022 on the year of our LORD 5783, 2nd of Tishrei
Prophetic Message
Yes, MY son, speak forth MY words. MY words of wisdom, words of divine counsel. The Words, the teaching that I whisper deep into your soul. WE do a great work in each and every one of you OUR children. WE still your souls and WE wash you in the waterfall of YEHOVAH’S, your darling FATHER’S LIVING WATERS. And refresh it [your souls]. WE still your hearts, and teach you to learn to incline and listen only to OUR voice, the voice of The GOOD, GOOD SHEPHERD, YEHOVAH and HIS SON YESHUA. Shepherding your souls to the green pastures.
OUR fields are ripe with fruit, with colour –every beautiful flower, with pastures green and lush! OUR meadow so beautifully decked with every good thing for your souls. Learn to abide therein in your FATHER. Learn to abide in OUR green pastures only. Where your GOOD SHEPHERD leads you – there WE are found.
Tend your FATHER’S business – look after HIS flock, HIS pastures, HIS plants and animals. Take care of your FATHER’S business. Hold your FATHER’S business to your hearts so tenderly. Do not neglect so great a duty! Comfort the Heart of your FATHER YEHOVAH. WE love you OUR children always.
Meditate upon these words. Always think upon OUR words of Instruction, of discipline, of Wisdom, and correction. Surely, your hearts shall be established in I YEHOVAH and from MY heart, you will never depart. From ME you will never run. Words of Wisdom, refreshing your souls.