Prophecy Given to Prophet ציונה for the Praise, Honor & Glory of ELOHIM (GOD) in Heaven
Received on 2019 May 24th.
Prophetic Message
I heard YESHUA tell the people in the world:
"MY beloved, you see! I won the world for you, so you can be delivered from all different kind of trials. (YESHUA smiles). MY Beloved (I saw HIM bend down and lift up those who fell to the ground). You cannot be your own worst enemy. You cannot hurt yourself. Your heart no longer belongs to you, it belongs to ME. So if your heart belongs to ME, you shall think upon ME with your whole heart and mind. I AM your SAVIOR, YESHUA HAMASHIACH. I died on the cross, and resurrected on the cross. MY Love – greater than gold – MY Love – never changes. So MY Beloved, listen to MY prophet. I love you. I love all of you MY children who are in China, in Taiwan, in Singapore, in Japan and Korea! Listen to MY Children’s Words from the Torah Keeper Ministry! I shall be raised and all people will worship ME!
I AM a SAVIOR who will never change, YESHUA HAMASHIACH. And this is MY prophet who serves everyone. She is MY beloved. Treat her well as how you treat ME. Be kind to MY prophets. Do not let MY prophets weep. Because you need the water they give you, and they also need you to give them the cup of water.
Do not forget, O World! Antichrist shall appear! He is in a place very close, he appears in America, Israel, Prime Ministers, Rome, Vatican, etc. You do not know who you are going to face or what you are going to face. The world faces war. I AM a never changing GOD. I am not saying you don’t belong to ME – as long you don't leave ME – then you are always MY children! MY Kingdom of Heaven welcomes those who obey MY commands!
See, I came to this world not for MYSELF, but to save mankind. But when I come back again, you will see that I AM a fiery lion. I will rip MY enemies. O Xi Jin Ping, watch out! Wait for ME with your wife and daughter. I am extremely angry with you. O you murdered MY children! MY children in the world, you have MY blood. Because you have MY DNA and genealogy. Your sacrifice is not wasted! MY Saul will become Paul. All because of the Holy martyrs. They laid down their lives. (I saw a vision that a black pastor was martyred in Africa). MY child, MY George, I love you! You are on the path to Heaven. This is not too far off!
I love you, MY children. This [ministry] is my prophets of the New Era. Watch, O World. The world shall experience disasters, tsunamis, great earthquakes…I delayed them for you for a long time. But how did you treat ME, O people? You continue to sin, continue to upset ME. I sent MY prophets who hear MY voice to warn you on the Torah Keeper Ministry.
New York, continue to wait. O wait, I will wait for the day you throw ME away. That is a close day to come. O and I said before, MY RUACH HAKODESH will leave you completely! Wait for that day, New York. At that time, no one will be saved and no one will want to be saved. Everything happening in New York is illusions and lies! MY Prophet did not say it wrong. None! MY Prophets, The words I put in your mouth such as judgment or loving words, you must tell it all!
Because MY anointing, MY anointing is here.
You shall be MY Bride, MY New Wife. MY babies, MY little ones. I love you. Yes [YESHUA smiles].
This is a near future. It truly is not far off. Are you waiting for ME? Yes, you are waiting for ME and will continue to wait for ME. Shalom. MY children. Follow this Ministry and you will see soon…
End of Word
紐約,你繼續等著吧!等著,我會繼續等著你,直到你拋棄我的那一天,那是很接近的將來。到那時,噢,我也已經說過了,我的聖靈會完完全全離開你!等著吧,紐約!到那時候,沒有人會得救也沒有人會想被救!一切 〔在紐約發生的事情〕 都是虛謊!我的先知沒有說錯!一個都沒有!我的先知們,我放在你口中的話,審判的話,愛慕的話,你全都要說出來!