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Are you worthy to escape the Wrath of YAHUSHUA? | Heavenly Manna

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Are you worthy to escape the Wrath of YAHUSHUA? | Heavenly Manna

O BELOVED ABBA YAHUVEH, I thank YOU for THY tender, loving care. Thank YOU for roaring from on High and throwing forth THINE Holy Thunder to the discomfiting of the enemy. he is as a false wind that doth bring no rain or revival. he only bringeth death, destruction, and want. But THOU hast kept me in the Palm of THY Hand and with the other hast THOU hurled forth THY Fury! Yea, THOU hast sent forth THINE Bright Arrows to the impalement of my foe! THOU hast comforted THY servant and answered him from on High. Thank YOU BELOVED ONE, for THOU hast my soul redeemed!

My heart’s cry is to escape the Time of THY Wrath. THOU hast granted me PASSOVER, in the NAME and through the Shed BLOOD of THINE Only Begotten SON, from hell! From eternal wrath hast THOU rescued me. Please hear my cry and save me from the Great Tribulation that is appointed unto this world. THY Bride hast THOU not allotted to this time of woe. THY Bride hast THOU ordained to feast and in a new body glow.

My FAITHFUL MESSIAH YAHUSHUA, THOU art right beside me. THOU dost from hellfire keep me. By THY Right Hand am I upholden. THOU hast kept me from being as they who are but thorns folden. By THY BLOOD hast THOU granted me PASSOVER! In THEE have I passed over from death unto life! By THY Word have I been made to know the Way of TRUTH, RIGHTEOUSNESS, and MERCY. Thank YOU for delivering me from my old man who was with sin rife. THOU didst put him to death at the Cross, causing me to be no more thirsty. In THEE am I satisfied, no longer seeking to fulfill his perversity. Blessed art THOU, for THOU hast given me SALVATION!!!

O MASHIACH, may it be that I am found as THY Bride Worthy! I take not for granted my position or believe I it deserve. It is only by THY Grace that I am what I am. It is only by THY Love that in Heaven THOU hath a place for me reserved. Thank YOU for enduring these my growing pains that I may move on from immaturity! O ABBA YAH, my heart overfloweth as I with THEE only to be yearn. THOU didst keep back THY Hand from me and instead upon YAHUSHUA fell THY Severity. At the Cross fell THINE ultimate expression of wrath that I may the Way of Life learn. At the Cross was manifested THINE ultimate expression of love for all of humanity. Thank YOU for displaying THINE AWESOME POWER and MIGHT! Thank YOU for upon YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH laying mine iniquity!

Though THOU didst die, my BELOVED BRIDEGROOM, THOU didst on the Third Day arise! O what a Beautiful Sight was it, when THOU didst the VICTORY get! O praises be to THY NAME for wearing my sickness and shame! O thanksgiving be to THY Throne, for THOU didst reap what mankind had sown! Since in THEE was no sin, death could not therefore keep THEE in! Nay, THOU didst arise from the tomb, providing for us escape from eternal doom! We do sincerely worship THEE. May YOU receive ALL PRAISE, HONOR, and GLORY! Blessed be the NAME of our LORD whom hath granted us this JUBILEE!!!

O FAITHFUL MASHIACH, when THOU didst arise, to Heaven this was no surprise! THOU art the SON of the GREAT “I AM” who doth rend the dark with glorious lightning. HE doth roar and throw forth HIS Mighty Thunder! HE doth discomfit the enemy and dashest them asunder! Our GOD is AWESOME in POWER, needing not to slumber!

O GOD YAHUVEH, be not displeased at THY servant. Look THOU through THINE unfeigned pity upon me. Yea, look THOU through the Shed BLOOD of THINE Only Begotten SON. Though my sins are as scarlet, THOU shalt make them white as snow. I repent of my transgressions, the greatest being doubt and unbelief. Thank YOU merciful ABBA for granting me relief! My life is in the midst of the Season of the Threshing.

Please grant me more grace that I may not give in to grief. Still is my soul, for I know THOU art GOD and wilt bring me to the Times of Refreshing! HALLELUYAH!!! THY Word to me is more precious than gold and silver! THY Promises to me are the ROCK of my house! By THY Wisdom have I builded upon the SOLID FOUNDATION! HE will not let me slip or be brought to ruin. So long as I trust in HIM, HE will from this world me arouse.

O MASHIACH, may it be that I will THY Chamber be soon in! Please count me worthy to escape the FATHER’S Wrath! Please help me to pray without ceasing. “Rejoice ye always no matter the tribulation. Rejoice ye always in ME and give thanksgiving for the VICTORY!” This hath been THY Command that we should trust in THY GLORY! Fortify my bowels that I may endure in obedience. The time doth draw near for the putting away of all that is unto THY Throne contrary. May it be that I am not left behind. May it not be that I, as do others, linger and tarry. O may it never be that I am unto THY KINGDOM a burden weary! PRECIOUS YAH, THOU art my SAVIOUR unto whom I make this supplication. In YAHUSHUA my MASHIACH’S NAME, I pray, AMEN!!!

Prophet Natan’EL


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