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In the Day of Trouble, Call upon YAHUSHUA! | Heavenly Manna

In the Day of Trouble, Call upon YAHUSHUA! | Heavenly Manna

    ABBA YAHUVEH, the waters are almost overflowing my soul. Grant me wings that I may flow unto Mount Zion. In THINE altar may I make my nest and not depart from thence. THOU art FAITHFUL and will not leave me to be despoiled. THOU are SURE and wilt not leave me to be overthrown.

O GOD of my Salvation, only unto THEE do I look for help! Vain is the help of man, for weak and unstable is the arm of flesh. Words do fail at times to express the anguish of my soul at the distress caused by the rising of the flesh. The nations make war and do the desire of their father the devil. They are bound by the lusts of the old man and love to have it so. They despise accountability and conjure up dead doctrines. By seeking to cast off THY three-fold cord of love, they have made a covenant with death. ‘Tis only a matter of time until hell claims them all.

O GOD of my Praise, THOU hast clothed me with the garments of jubilee! THOU hast made me to be as the lark and sing for freedom. THOU hast caused my soul to lodge within THY Branch. Truly Salvation belongeth unto the LAMB! Truly HE hath holpen this poor fellow and made me to inherit HIS KINGDOM! Once was I awash in despair and vanity. Once I was stuck in the deep mire of sin and lack of faith. Yet on that day did HE cause me to understand that HE alone is the BLESSED HOPE! Now go I about no longer mourning. Now go I about no longer in self-pity. HE hath clothed me with HIS SON and brought soundness to my mentality. Yea, HE hath given me the mind of MESSIAH that I should no longer follow the perverseness of the way of death. Now shout I unto the GREAT “I AM,” for with the BLOOD of the LAMB have I been made new!

Though the days of trouble are at hand, I shall not turn back. Though I have wavered at times in doubt, yet shall I not be cast down. YAHUSHUA my AUTHOR hath healed me of my backslidings and granted me rest. By HIS BLOOD ATONING do I have favor in the Sight of the KING. HE hath extended HIS Scepter and granted me audience. O YAHUVEH MOST HIGH, be pleased to grant me more wisdom that I may be of help to THY people! They are vast and numerous. THOU alone dost rule in POWER and STRENGTH! By Wisdom THOU hast founded the oceans and created the depths. Every atom doth function at the Word of THY Command. All the molecules are held together by THY POWER and MIGHT! All of creation dost THOU hold in the Palm of THY Hand! Nothing can escape THINE Awesome Gaze!

I call upon THEE in these days of trouble, for none else can I look to. In the NAME ABOVE ALL Names do I cry out for THY Help! YAHUSHUA my MASHIACH is my only INTERCESSOR! HIM only wilt THOU hear for to bring me Salvation. HE alone is Worthy, for in HIM was never and will never be found any spot or wrinkle. HIS Garments are without blemish or stain. HE transgressed not one of THY Holy Commands. Blessed art THOU, O LORD YAHUSHUA, for by THEE have I eternal life! By THEE have I true joy and relief! THOU knowest my frame and that it is but dust. THOU knowest how weak and desolate I am without THY NAME. In my weaknesses, THY Strength is shown as Perfect. THY Strength is shown as all-sufficient and without lack. Therefore trust I in THEE the more.

My heart is sore-vexed by reason of these burdens. Help me to sincerely lay these burdens down and take up my cross. Help me not to take on burdens that are not from THEE. Those which are, may it be that I lay them down at THY Feet, for this is THY desire as THOU art testing me. I call upon THY Strength and THY Energy as THOU hast commanded me. I call upon THY NAME for to give GLORY! In THEE have I my being so long as I in THY Word live and move. O my soul, give not heed to these troubled waves. Put not thy trust in the heathens’ ways. They will be thine undoing if thou wilt not YAHUSHUA’S Hand continue to take. So my soul, be not thou weary in well-doing but instead do all for the KING’S Sake.

This is my cry unto THEE, my LORD. I am THY broken vessel of clay which THOU hast chosen for such a time as this. O may it not be that I fall from THY Grace! I look unto THY Holy Hill from whence cometh my help. Be THOU blessed, O HOLY ONE of Israel! In YAHUSHUA my MASHIACH’S NAME, AMEN!!!

Prophet Natan’EL


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