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It was pre-ordained by YAH | Heavenly Manna

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It was pre-ordained by YAH | Heavenly Manna

    YAHUHSUA my MASHIACH, my heart ’twas troubled till I read THY Word of Promise. Every Word of THINE shall be fulfilled, for THOU didst proceed forth from the FATHER. THOU wilt not fail. Nay, not a jot or tittle shall fall from THY Word. THOU art exceeding jealous for that which belongeth unto THEE. THOU wilt move mountains and overthrow whole nations in order to fulfill THY Word. THOU lookest after THY Word to perform it.

Forsake me not O BELOVED MASHIACH of mine! Take not THY Hand of Grace off my life. By the BLOOD that flowed forth from THY nail-pierced Palms, didst THOU purchase me and take me for THINE own. I am engraved on the Palm of THY Hands. Surely THOU wilt not forget me. Though a mother abandon the young babe of her loins, THOU wilt not forget THY children who trusteth in THEE. Nay, THOU upholdest all them that make THEE their FIRM FOUNDATION! THOU art Sure and Tested! THOU art without fault. THY Word shall never erode or crack. THY Word is my SOLID ROCK! PRAISE be to the CHIEF CORNERSTONE who hath provided me shelter! PRAISE be to my FATHER who hath rent the veil of pain!

Everything is ordained by the POTTER’S Hands, for HE is the CREATOR. Lose not heart when the winds and the seas rage and roar. Nay, put not stock in the bow of the ship. Put thy trust in the ship’s CAPTAIN. HE is Fair and Holy. HE doth have power and authority over the flood of wickedness. By HIS own wrath shalt HE silence the naysayers. HE shall crush the head of leviathan and cut off her strange children. Behemoth cannot fray our MASTER away, for HE sitteth upon the circle of the earth.

We have purposed in our hearts not to murmur, complain, or grumble no matter what hell doth spawn against us. Our GOOD SHEPHERD shall lead us through the sea and plant us in Goodly Mountain. Atop mount Zion, beside the KING’S Throne, shalt HE cause us to dwell forever more. In the Land of Promise, shall we abide and dance before our LORD. Go up to Zion all ye peoples and sacrifice a sacrifice of thanksgiving! Enter, with unfeigned praise, HIS holy courts! Take not for granted HIM who doth beautify the meek. Set thyself before HIM in SPIRIT and in TRUTH. Only they with clean hands and a pure heart shall ascend the Hill of YAHUVEH and stand in HIS Holy Place.

Set thyself apart for HIS GLORY and allow HIM to take vengeance. Give not thyself over unto fleshly wrath but instead wait upon HIS Grace. In HIS Perfect Timing and Way, YAHUVEH of hosts shall recompence. Yea, they shall be smitten and dashed to pieces before thy face. Wait upon the LORD YAHUSHUA of hosts and upon HIS Wings shalt thou be made to ride. HE shall not ever leave thee or unto the wolves deliver thee. HE is the GOOD SHEPHERD and HIS sheep know HIS Voice. They will not to another listen or embrace. They know HIS Voice and from HIS FATHER’S Hand can no man, woman, alien, or the devil that sent them, pluck them out.

Therefore with great joy do we sing and unto YAHUVEH’S NAME shout! By the BLOOD of the LAMB are we empowered to finish this race. May our testimonies be found without spot or blemish. Help us, O YAH, to our tests pass. We desire to be found without the pollution of the whore upon our flesh. Cause us to ascend and over our enemies triumph. May we put on immortality in an instant, in a flash! We long to be with our MESSIAH BRIDEGROOM and ’tis only a matter of time! We look to that day and keep our gaze on the eastern sky. We love THEE, YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH, and in THEE put our trust! Help us to THEE obey and trust THY Plan though we may not always know the reason why. THOU art in control and nothing can happen unless THY FATHER doth it ordain. The plans that FATHER YAHUVEH hath for us are for good and not for evil. HE hath purposed for us life and life more abundantly by the BLOOD of the LAMB that was slain. PRAISE be to the LIVING GOD YAHUVEH who hath delivered us from idols! HE hath taught us the Truth, implanted within us Life, and doth lead us in HIS Way! PRAISE be to our FATHER who is the KING, YAHUVEH!

O ye saints, put thy hand to the plow and, by the SPIRIT of YAHUSHUA, press on. Yea, pour out thy heart unto HIM, but let them neither be dismayed or troubled. Is not our DADDY GOD more than able to provide and deliver? Yea, HE hath made the Covert of HIS Wings to be our Shade and Shelter! HE hath fed us with the LIVING MANNA; not of that which was in the times of old. HE hath given us HIS SON, our MESSIAH, in order that we may with HIM commune. HALLELUYAH! Sing praises unto the EVERLASTING LAMB! Sing praises and clap thy hands all ye righteous ones! The KING cometh and wilt not be delayed!

HE shall, with the blood of HIS foes, HIS garments stain! Trust ye in the SOLID ROCK, for HE is not moved by the enemies advance. HE doth draw them nigh unto the slaughter, for they are only fit for damnation. Let all the saints praise HIS HOLY NAME! In YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH’S NAME, AMEN!!!

Prophet Natan’el


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