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New Life in MESSIAH | Heavenly Manna

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New Life in MESSIAH | Heavenly Manna

    HOLY ABBA YAHUVEH, finish THOU the work THOU hast so mercifully started in me. May the works of THINE Hands be accomplished as THOU dost mold so faithfully. THOU hast ransomed and saved me, THOU Blessed HOLY TRINITY! The Fount of MESSIAH’S BLOOD doth flow, giving me life more abundantly! Blessed SAVIOUR KING, THOU art Pure, Majestic, and Worthy!

I am the vessel and THOU art my POTTER. THOU dost so faithfully work deliverance in my life. The trials of my faith are more precious than gold! THOU dost cover me with THY Grace and Mercy. Lead me through all these temptations and count me worthy to escape the Day of Fury. Look upon me through the BLOOD of the LAMB. I repent of my sins and turn unto THEE. As far as the east is from the west, so may be my iniquities.

Thank YOU PRECIOUS ABBA YAH for THY SON rising early. THOU sentest HIM forth to seek the lost. I am that one that wandered away from the other sheep. Yet, HE did find me and brought me back at a Great Cost. Thank YOU PRECIOUS GOOD SHEPHERD for laying THY Life down for me. YAHUSHUA my MASHIACH, THOU art my Life and my Salvation eternally!

The waves of despair do at times beat against me. Yet, I am founded upon the ROCK and I shall not depart from thence. The strange winds do howl and the torrent doth pour. But I shall not lose faith or forsake my BLESSED HOPE. HE cometh upon the clouds with the sound of Mighty Thunder. HIS Voice doth go before HIS camp and HIS SWORD from HIS Mouth. It is only a matter of time till the flood of the ungodly is against my ROCK dashed asunder!

I shall greatly rejoice in the Triumph of my KING! HE commandeth the myriads of Heaven’s Army. Yea, in HIM am I hidden from the Great Storming! The beasts of the field and the creeping things of the coast no longer alarm me. They shall all of them be soon vanquished at the force of the WIND a mighty rushing. All hail the VICTORY YAHUSHUA our MESSIAH hath gotten for mankind at Calvary! Blessed be our SAVIOUR whose BLOOD didst come forth with a mighty gushing!

I speak unto THEE, my BLESSED SAVIOUR YAHUSHUA, THOU art my Love and Salvation! THOU art my GREAT PHYSICIAN and WONDERFUL COUNSELOR! THOU didst not heal my mind but instead gave me THINE. THOU drankest the Cup of YAH’S Wrath for me and filled me with New Wine! HALLELUYAH! I bless THY HOLY NAME!

Let me be found well-pleasing unto THEE. Help me to prove my love for THEE, for in mine own strength I am less than nothing. Fill my wings with the Breath of Heaven. Cause me to ride upon the breath of the dawn. I shall make my nest in the CLEFT of the ROCK and in HIM be strengthened. The snakes and vipers shall be my meat, for the adversary is only meant to be consumed. Blessed be my FAITHFUL FATHER who doth overshadow HIS own and under HIS Wings keepest them hidden!

My life is not over, it has just begun. YAH hath created me for such a time as this. Though I was knocked down, HE hath raised me up. I stand in the POWER of HIS SPIRIT and not by mine own. I trust in HIS SON’S ATONING Grace and know that in HIM I shall reap of the goodness I have sown. I am nothing without my LORD, for HE hath, with flesh, clothed these bones. Blessed be my MAKER to whom I give ALL PRAISE, HONOR, and GLORY Alone! Blessed be my MESSIAH, my ROCK, the LIVING STONE! In THY NAME, YAHUSHUA my MASHIACH, I pray AMEN!!!

Prophet Natan’EL


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