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Prophecy 438 Like Nehemiah Upon The Wall, So AM I.

Given to Prophet  אברהם בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven

Received on November 24, 2022 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 30 Cheshvan 5783

Prophetic Message


MY joys are always filled in thee MY children. I drum up the music, and there, MY joy in thee is produced. MY shalom with thee is stayed. In ME, in MY SON, I have and do establish you MY children. I would give the world for you MY children. MY love unto thee is everlasting, unwavering, unfading. In MY love I have upheld and do continue to uphold you.

I still your souls. I still your souls in ME. I sing MY sweet songs, MY lullabies unto your souls, to soothe them, to ease and to heal the pain. I nurture and I comfort. I heal and bound up your wounds. I care and caress. With a FATHER’S love I touch you MY children. With a MOTHER’S love I caress you. I give you comfort and warmth to your souls. That warm enough in ME, MY love may freely flow through you MY children unto others, unto MY creation that their wounds I may soothe, bound up and heal. That through you, I may send forth MY care unto MY creation. That working MY works, you bring I, YEHOVAH, all the Glory! Hallelu YAH! Amen.

I steadily and steadfastly continue MY works unrelenting, unfaltered, undistracted. MY work shall be completed. Like Nehemiah upon the wall, so AM I MY children. I shall see to it that MY works be accomplished in you as I have ordained. Believe and trust; for the plans I have for you, MY children, are only for good and not for evil. Hallelu YAH! Declare this every day and let your faith grow.

I love you MY children. I embrace and kiss you every day. Not a day goes by that I do not.

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