Given to Prophet שלמה בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven
Received on February 4, 2024 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 25 Shevat 5784
Prophetic Message
Black holes are portals from the created realms of light to the created realms of darkness, MY SON. For I, YEHOVAH called Light, MY SON from the Darkness, MY SON so that they could exist as one and help one another in the Kingdom of I, YEHOVAH. Light is the power of MY right hand and Darkness (not evil but darkness) the power of MY left. Outer Darkness souls experience when I cast them away MY presence and I AM everywhere. So how can they be cast out of MY presence? That is why I, YEHOVAH made it so that light exists within ME and darkness outside of ME.
This the last Age before the New eternal Age of I, YEHOVAH where I abolish all evil and war will cease and death is destroyed. All fight for their eternal souls. But the angels marvel at how great a salvation that has been given to mankind and yet most do not take it and grasp it.
There is a freedom among the Heavenly hosts, the angels that fight on your behalf, MY people, for I captured their will in the palm of MY hands. Though they will not know the rewards and the nearness like the angels that come down to Earth, even to become A Son, they are free.
Their joy is as the dog and their fierceness like the tiger upon a prey but they are filled with wisdom to fear ME and to do I, YEHOVAH’s will. They do not seek to know the ‘why’ of things for many questions of ‘why’ come from the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil.
These angels await thee MY people to teach them and to give them knowledge, for you will be ones who overcame the effects of the tree of knowledge, and ascended into the Heavenlies. These angels will seek knowledge no other way except from those who overcame the temptations of the world and all the effects of the eating of the fruit of the tree.
But they are eager to know more about I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY their CREATOR. They are captured spirits, chained in MY will, not robots, MY people. For the world will not understand the Two Witnesses. They will be perceived as killing machines, but they will be MY Sons so caught in MY will, one with ME, doing MY will alone.