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Prophecy 478 Men Become One Tongue Against I, YEHOVAH the ALMIGHTY

Writer's picture: torahkeepertorahkeeper

Given to Prophet  שלמה בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven

Received on January 14, 2024 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 4 Shevat 5784

Prophetic Message


The sons of Cush (Black people) rise again as it was in the days of Nimrod. As knowledge increases in the world, and men become one tongue against the CREATOR, I, YEHOVAH the ALMIGHTY the sons of Cush are manipulated by the rulers of the darkness against their CREATOR, as it was before.

They seek to lift the curse I have placed upon the seed of Cush by conceiving the thought to remove I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY from MY throne. There is nothing new underneath the sun, did I, YEHOVAH not say this? As you see the seed of Cush rise worldwide against MY Kingdom, which I say is also seen in rising against their governing authorities in anarchy, and a hatred for the people of Israel, the End draweth nigh. 

For it is not only a Muslim spirit on the rise, which is the spirit of Amalek, but many Muslims worldwide are of the seed of Cush. Did they not rise against Israel while in Egypt? It is being done again. And I say sympathize not with the seed of cush except that their souls be saved for the spirit of the antichrist, the antimashiach controls many. 

It is not black vs white today but men do not realize the root of hatred that rises in their hearts. It's always been a hatred for Israel from whichever race a man or woman was born in. 

This is why you are safe in MY hands, MY people, the hands of I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY. For I will shield you in ME. You know not the powers in this world.

Ever since the first Adam sinned in the garden, blood became mixed which was never MY plan. To bring forth pure blood I sent MY SON YESHUA, the second Adam but not all curses were lifted. Only by restoring all things, and bringing forth a new mankind can all things be made new and all curses be lifted from man and from the Earth. The earth is still cursed at this time and all things from the earth. And giving birth still comes with pain whether spiritually or physically. There are various kinds of curses upon man, generational curses because of the choices of fathers and forefathers, for the curse in the blood. But I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY AM making all things new. 

So the powers of darkness are afraid of thee, MY children. For ye are not only the sons of GOD ALMIGHTY, I, YEHOVAH but all ye that are faithful until the end will be part of the new seed of mankind, but these things shall be revealed with time.

MY Blood in MY SON YESHUA lifted the eternal curse of damnation, the curse of the eternal fire for it is the curse of the ash. I did not make man from ash but from dust so that when they return to dust there still remains a way for the soul to be saved. 

But those rulers of darkness of this Age, when they fell from their heavenly places, I changed their nature. I cursed their nature for they were no longer of MY nature, I, YEHOVAH the ALMIGHTY. I recreated them from ash for their hearts are as black as ash, and to ash they shall return in eternal blazing flames.

For only through the seed of Adam there is redemption, and they hoped to change their nature so they would not descend into the eternal flames, and their hope is in a new mankind of their own that through the knowledge of the tree, they would find eternal life. 

While men and women are focused on race (appearance), the powers that control them care only about blood, that which mankind is oblivious to since men and women mixed. 

In the blood is a universe of history, for blood testifies for itself to all things. 

The covenant of Abraham is a gift to mankind to lift many curses from their lives, curses of the blood. For I, YEHOVAH promised that through Avraham the nations would be blessed. But the curse of the dust, is a curse only I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY alone can lift and only when I recreate mankind from MY own loins, the seed of GOD ALMIGHTY. 

Eaters of pig’s blood, and human blood and flesh how far so many nations have strayed as they do this knowingly. For sins of ignorance concerning defiled blood, I, YEHOVAH have provided a way for mankind to be redeemed, for I AM merciful. 

Before the ark doors were shut, and while constructing the ark, Ham, fell into sins of homosexuality. Noah was a father as well as a Prophet, calling the world to believe the words of I, YEHOVAH that the world was to be destroyed by water. But Noah had much work to get ready his own house to live in the ark during the deluge. 

Because Ham sinned against his father concerning his seed (Ham raped his Father Noah) Noah cursed Ham’s seed so that the iniquity that he knew would return to the world would come through the seed of Ham, and through the sons of Cush. 

I, YEHOVAH tell you surely, even the spirit of homosexuality returned to the world through the sons of Cush (generations of black people). I, YEHOVAH say no one on Earth is of pure blood anymore, for the blood has mixed. I alone can remove the impurity from gold and silver and bronze. I alone can call back ashes of a body that have been blown into the wind. I alone can unmix blood, and separate the Holy from the unholy, for this is not a work mankind as they are now can do. I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY alone can follow the curse and blessing in the blood of a man or woman, and call someone according to MY purpose. For the mixing of blood was a work of satan himself for life is in the blood, and eternal life is in MINE. (I see a vision of the LORD, wearing glasses like a scientist in a laboratory, and the LORD is examining the liquid in test tubes). I, YEHOVAH AM the GREAT REDEEMER and the GREAT PHYSICIAN. 

End of Word


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