Prophecy 110 METATRON, METATRON!torahkeeperJan 25, 20222 min readUpdated: Nov 5, 2023 Given to Prophet חנוך בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor & Glory of ELOHIM (GOD) in Heaven Received on March 12, 2021. Started 10:55 p.m. and ended 11:19 p.m. Scripture ReferenceIsaiah 63:9In all their affliction HE was afflicted,and the Angel of HIS Presence saved them;in HIS love and in HIS pity He redeemed them;and HE bore them and carried themall the days of old.Malachi 4:2But to you who fear MY NAMEthe SUN of Righteousness shall arise with healing in HIS wings; and you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves.Prophetic MessageMETATRON, METATRONHeart of Gold, but no fool's paradise.METATRON, METATRONBeloved of the MAKER; the Truth in one accord.YEHOVAH: "MY children, hear ME true. Walk in the streets of gold, laying your lives down one for the other."METATRON, METATRONBeloved of the FATHER, HOLY ONE of Israel.METATRON: "Walk ye in the light, MY children. Walk ye in the light and prosper, for MINE hour has come; to rise upon thee, to cover thee have I come.Walk ye in the light and be blessed. Allow MY NAME to penetrate thy soul, the healing in MY wings to convert thee (Malachi 4:2). For it is only in MY wings that ye may be transformed."METATRON, METATRONAscend ye on highAscend ye to the KINGMETATRON, METATRONCarry the cup of wine mixed by the MOTHER (Proverbs 9:1-2). YEHOVAH: "Drink ye all of it, says I, the KING. Resist ME not. I AM the APPLE of your eye, MY children. Guard ME jealously."METATRON, METATRONFaithful One of the FATHERNever usurping Authority,never doing wrong.Inherit ye the eternal of ages. Mystery, mysteries of theLeft Hand.YEHOVAH: "Seek HIM (METATRON) out MY children.Seek HIM with your whole heart. Seek HIM, for with HIMare the mysteries of the Kingdom, the key to understanding MESSIAH, the Key of David (is METATRON).Yes, I say, the Key of David” (Revelation 3:7).METATRON, METATRONRest ye in the FATHER'S bosom. METATRON, METATRONTHINE hour has come to arisewith healing in THY wings. (Malachi 4:2)To heal that they may seeYESHUA in them, the HOPE of GLORY (Colossians 1:27). ONE for the other and the other for ONE. HALLELUYAH!!!!Selah. End of word.
Given to Prophet חנוך בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor & Glory of ELOHIM (GOD) in Heaven Received on March 12, 2021. Started 10:55 p.m. and ended 11:19 p.m. Scripture ReferenceIsaiah 63:9In all their affliction HE was afflicted,and the Angel of HIS Presence saved them;in HIS love and in HIS pity He redeemed them;and HE bore them and carried themall the days of old.Malachi 4:2But to you who fear MY NAMEthe SUN of Righteousness shall arise with healing in HIS wings; and you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves.Prophetic MessageMETATRON, METATRONHeart of Gold, but no fool's paradise.METATRON, METATRONBeloved of the MAKER; the Truth in one accord.YEHOVAH: "MY children, hear ME true. Walk in the streets of gold, laying your lives down one for the other."METATRON, METATRONBeloved of the FATHER, HOLY ONE of Israel.METATRON: "Walk ye in the light, MY children. Walk ye in the light and prosper, for MINE hour has come; to rise upon thee, to cover thee have I come.Walk ye in the light and be blessed. Allow MY NAME to penetrate thy soul, the healing in MY wings to convert thee (Malachi 4:2). For it is only in MY wings that ye may be transformed."METATRON, METATRONAscend ye on highAscend ye to the KINGMETATRON, METATRONCarry the cup of wine mixed by the MOTHER (Proverbs 9:1-2). YEHOVAH: "Drink ye all of it, says I, the KING. Resist ME not. I AM the APPLE of your eye, MY children. Guard ME jealously."METATRON, METATRONFaithful One of the FATHERNever usurping Authority,never doing wrong.Inherit ye the eternal of ages. Mystery, mysteries of theLeft Hand.YEHOVAH: "Seek HIM (METATRON) out MY children.Seek HIM with your whole heart. Seek HIM, for with HIMare the mysteries of the Kingdom, the key to understanding MESSIAH, the Key of David (is METATRON).Yes, I say, the Key of David” (Revelation 3:7).METATRON, METATRONRest ye in the FATHER'S bosom. METATRON, METATRONTHINE hour has come to arisewith healing in THY wings. (Malachi 4:2)To heal that they may seeYESHUA in them, the HOPE of GLORY (Colossians 1:27). ONE for the other and the other for ONE. HALLELUYAH!!!!Selah. End of word.