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Prophecy 368 Seek First the Righteousness of your FATHER YEHOVAH

Given to Prophet שלמה בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven

Received on November 6, 2023 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 22 Cheshvan, 5784

Prophetic Message


Each day seek first the righteousness of your FATHER YEHOVAH and all things will be added unto you. It is a righteousness that is of grace and mercy, the LORD YEHOVAH seeing that all have fallen short of HIS glory. Forgive quickly and thy sins will be quickly forgiven thee children of the MOST HIGH for HIS righteousness is of mercy. Let all see the mercy of the LORD YEHOVAH in you, children of GOD. 

One of the 24 Elders:

Nations of earth, you either drink of the cup of the covenant of the commonwealth of Israel, or you drink a cup of poison and all the wicked shall drink it to the full that rises against Israel. 

For when the LORD YEHOVAH created the earth, HE cut land from a Heavenly territory and brought it down to earth. (I saw a vision of the land of Israel in the beginning descending from Heaven just like the new Jerusalem will descend in the end. Both land and city came from above.) That is Israel. For even the soil of Israel originates from the Heavenlies and abounds in the nutrition that is of Heaven. So the miraculous come forth from the land. 

Do you think to tread upon Heaven? For that is what you intend to do if you seek to harm Israel. For the LORD YEHOVAH multiplied judgments by confounding the world when Jacob saw the ladder. Did not Jacob say when he laid his head upon the stone and saw the vision of the ladder, "this land is the house of ELOHIM and the gates of Heaven?" Who put those words in his mouth other than the LORD of HOSTS, LORD YEHOVAH?

So nations you fight against the gates of cities of Heaven by rising against Israel and thou shalt not prevail but be turned into hell. Behold the LORD YEHOVAH has sent HIS messengers riding upon fierce horses to turn you back. For they protect the creation from HIS destroying light. This is their calling above and below so hear clearly what the LORD YEHOVAH, HIS spirit says unto the nations and the churches.

Turn back now nations and rebellious of the world, for thou shalt experience a great overthrow that shall not be forgotten unto all eternity.

For every thing is already prepared for the LORD YEHOVAH. Think ye man that Mount Sinai, the place where the LORD descended upon in fervent heat and blazing fire is an ordinary hill, a simple rock formation? For it was a rock that descended from the Heavens and became a mount and has an invisible throne embedded into the rock. The LORD YEHOVAH sat upon HIS throne on the rock. A portion of that rock is what Daniel saw and interpreted for King Nebuchadnezzar, when the rock destroyed the legs of his kingdom. It is a spiritual rock. 

Repent ye nations for the end is nigh.

End of Word

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