Given to Prophet אברהם בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven
Received on October 18, 2022 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 23 Tishrei, 5783
Prophetic Message
YEHOVAH, THE אדון העולם [ADON HAOLAM – LORD of the world], has in superfluous ways made nature to be a friend. All that is pleasing to the eye, HE has made for HIS pleasure. To fill the hearts of men with joy, rejoicing in HIS works, with awe at the works of HIS wonderful hands. The joy of HIS heart is to see all HIS created beings prosper; And HE made it so.
So, HE has filled the Earth with richness, beauty indescribable, to reveal HIS majestic ways unto all creation. HE endures much but HE has a plan – many plans to save and to deliver, to redeem and to restore.
In nature, if you look closely enough, you’ll see, HE has also written, hidden HIS codex therein. I stay close to HIS works, your FATHER, YEHOVAH, my CREATOR. To learn of HIM and to know HIM more. HE has chosen the simple things, those things which aren’t grandiose in the eyes of the world, to reveal HIMSELF, to make HIMSELF known. Therefore, are there few who find HIM.
Love your FATHER and get to know HIM wholesomely as HE is. Draw ever nigh unto HIM. Let HIM reveal HIMSELF more to you, HIS mysteries, HIS joys, HIS ambitions, plans, all that HE has in store. HE delights in you, children. HE delights in you my beloved children. Give HIM all you have, and you will never regret it. And you will never, never look back. You are they that grab the plough and plough to the finish. You all accomplish YEHOVAH’S will. HE is in you and you are in HIM. For how else do you overcome? No, there’s no other way.