Given to Prophet שלמה בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven
Received on December 16, 2023 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 4 Tevet, 5784
Prophetic Message
Thou art oh world liberal only in ME, I YEHOVAH. You look for freedom but freedom from what? Israel, freedom from ME? Your CREATOR who brought you from the land of Egypt who held you in bondage? Did I say not to forget what I had done for you? For you Israel are one of the gates of Heaven on Earth, did you know this? You are the reason the nations blaspheme and think they can ascend to heaven, because they think to destroy you and enter Heaven. But they are deceived for the gates of hell shall never prevail against MY Kingdom. I YEHOVAH protect what is MINE.
Thou, oh Israel shall become the new North gate of the Heavens where I shall dwell forever when I make all things new. For did not hasatan say he will ascend into the North? Do you see why your enemies surround you on every side? For to destroy you they will consider a breach into heaven and tearing down of the gates and walls of heaven.
I YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY laugh you to scorn oh nations for why do you plot a vain thing? Therefore I will destroy many with pestilence. Pestilence is a weapon of the most humiliating nature for you will fight an enemy that you cannot see. It shall crawl upon your bodies and into your bodies and kill you slowly in the boast of your strength.
So I YEHOVAH did to Hitler for he was a foolish leader leading foolish soldiers for I killed Hitler with bone diseases for he sought to crush MY people.
I shall use bugs and creeping things to destroy the towers of knowledge you have built. I see a vision of a “dumb cone” put upon the head of Hitler and he is sitting on a chair in the corner of a classroom.
The cone represents the tower of knowledge and pride that men like Hitler build in their minds when they think to ascend. They will learn an eternal lesson.
The days of darkness are coming upon this world. There is no stopping this for the world must be clothed with darkness because they reject the light. I created the laws of sun and the moon to shine in day and night so you, world, would have a feel of GOD. In the beginning, in the garden of Eden there was no darkness until Adam was taken from the garden. Then he saw day and night and the laws of the world till he should return home to Heaven.
But MY people I shall fill your eyes with light for it is I YEHOVAH’s light radiating through your eyes.
Your eyes MY faithful people are beautiful. For your eyes above are not like your eyes on earth. They change color often like aurora lights and a moving rainbow for the revelation of I YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY will be taught to creation even through your eyes. Through your eyes many shall begin to learn more of their CREATOR. What is exalted on earth shall not be in the heavens for on the earth the tongue is exalted but I created you with many members of your bodies and they shall all testify of ME. Your new bodies shall speak of ME, I YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY.
Your hands, your hair, your eyes, your ears, your skin, the precious stones within your skin. Your feet, your fingers, your knees so you shall have a new body full of MY glory.
The report of the world is not the report of Heaven. Remember always MY people, for how can it be when men do not know MY ways? And MY ways are high.