Given to Prophet אברהם בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven
Received on October 22, 2022 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 28 Tishrei, 5783
Prophetic Message
Blessings and Honour and glory and power be unto YEHOVAH, THE ALMIGHTY! HALLELU YAH! MY children, YEHOVAH has established right ruling in the Heavens above and HE seeks to bring it on Earth. Thus on Earth as it is in Heaven. You help your FATHER to accomplish this. For ye are called as unto helpers unto your FATHER, I, YEHOVAH. For as your FATHER, I, YEHOVAH, are ye to be and to look.
WE have ordained shalom in OUR way and all who walk therein find it. The shalom WE give is unlike unto the world’s peace. For in the world there isn’t true peace. It is but an illusion. It’s building on sinking sand and claiming peace, stability and good times. And soon, the winds come knocking, the waves coming bursting the shores, and voila, the house is foiled but as a ruse! What a waste! Only if ye had hearkened unto I, yes I, YEHOVAH, ye would have truly prospered and been built up eternally!
Sayeth not the Kohelet (teacher), vanity of vanities the putting up of houses, vineyards, the acquisition of tracts of land? Yes, it is. It is indeed a mysterious thing that I have done unto the living of men of this Earth. But that through it, they may find ME, I, YEHOVAH. But all the more, they grope around as in darkness. Oblivious unto the void, the emptiness in their lives without I, YEHOVAH, THE LOVELY, their CREATOR.
What MY children, did you gain from the time you spent in the world? I say a big NOTHING! For I AM and I AM ALL in All. Get to know ME more and more, and let MY character settle more and more into your beings. The character of WHO I AM, truly. See ME as I say I AM, not as you might think or hope.
Stand in ME, and you will truly stand. You will stand forever!