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Prophecy 393 Hope in I, Your FATHER, YEHOVAH, Beloved Children

Writer's picture: torahkeepertorahkeeper

Given to Prophet  אברהם בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven

Received on October 29, 2022 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 4 Cheshvan 5783

Prophetic Message


Hope in I, your FATHER, YEHOVAH, beloved children. Yes, hope in your FATHER, beloved children. For HE is here to deliver you and set the course of your lives in motion. HE is here to turn the rusty wheels of your lives. Give you an oil change. Give you a rub, and get you going. For you have been stuck a long time. Collecting in the dust, the rust and so much more; even the mould.

But, I, your MOTHER URIYAH, by the command of your FATHER, AM here to give you a change. To get you back on truck. Rusty cars you have been, that cannot run a race to win. Leave alone run, cannot enter the competition! But MY children, I AM ELOHIM, mighty to save, mighty to deliver! I make new that which is old. Bring to life that which is rusty, dead, decayed. Isn’t that how you felt while you were in the world, MY children? Yet here, the MASTER MECHANIC, the LEAD ENGINEER, the MANUFACTURER HIMSELF, is at work. Day and night, HE ceases not.

HE is at HIS workshop, putting it all together. Fitting and unfitting, new parts with the old. Right now, HE is hidden. HE is working behind the scenes. For it is not yet time for HIM to reveal HIS masterpieces. What HE is working on behind the scenes. But soon, it shall be time, soon it shall be revealed. When HE unveils what HE has been working on for years. HE shall reveal HIS glory in the vessel of babes. The final product shall give HIM all the glory. Just as a manufacturer receives the honour for the product he produces.

Give glory to your BELOVED FATHER YEHOVAH! For HE is Wonderful and worthy to praised worshiped and adored in all the universes for all time to come! Great is HE and worthy of honour, and glory and power and Wisdom and strength! Hallelu YAH! Glory to YEHOVAH Above! Glory to YEHOVAH on Earth! Hallelu YAH!

WE worship and adorn YOU O YEHOVAH with praises and worship and song of rejoicing! Hallelu YAH! Sing forever all ye Heavens for HIS great glory! For the magnificent wonders HE works on Earth! And for those HE has and will work in Heaven as well!

Hallelu YAH!

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