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Prophecy 396 I Labour In The Garden Of Your Hearts

Writer's picture: torahkeepertorahkeeper

Given to Prophet  אברהם בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven

Received on October 31, November 1, 2022 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 6-7 Cheshvan 5783

Prophetic Message


Bless YEHOVAH thy wonderful and most BELOVED FATHER. The words of HIS lips are Holy. The correction from HIS lips, if hearkened to, life eternal. Words, that get into one’s being and make alive! Isn’t it not written, though YOU wound me, YOU will yet heal up MY wounds again? Yes, beloved children! The words of correction are as a sword separating flesh and spirit, flesh from soul, from thy souls – to make you whole. For the flesh only corrupteth unto damnation if not caught in time.

But you beloved children, have a FATHER, who understands time. HE delayeth not in that which is a necessity; a necessity in its time. HE is quick. HE is sharp and to the point. HE doesn’t waste HIS bullets – no, no HE doesn’t! You are cherished on High beloved children for the work that YEHOVAH thy FATHER does in your lives. It is a marvel – a wonderful work of art. HE is a great Artificer. A wonderful Designer; Painting the whole picture in bits and bits for us the 24 Elders to behold from Above. We see and we rejoice in YEHOVAH and the works that HE does! WE rejoice in HIS masterpiece! HALLELU YAH! Give glory to YEHOVAH beloved children. Hold HIM high! Esteemed forever!

HE is to be held in High Esteem, your wonderful BELOVED FATHER YEHOVAH. HE has saved you from much and will and still does save you from much, much more. Hallelu YAH! Give honour and praise and glory to YEHOVAH in the Highest! Cherish your FATHER and the work that HE does in your lives. Rejoice in the works that HE teaches and shows you. Listen intently and keenly – be observant of all HIS ways. And take that example. You will never go wrong. Hallelu YAH!!! PRAISE, GLORY be to YEHOVAH on High forever more!!! Hallelu YAH! Amen.

Shalom is always with you beloved children. Always trust. Always trust your BELOVED FATHER and what HE does for each of you. HE is COUNSEL, HE is WISDOM. HE is all things. HE is Awesome in all HIS ways.

HE teaches you what is good and how to obtain a good report before HIM. Patience and endurance are what I instil in you through MY discipline and instruction. I labour in your lives to bring forth fruit worthy of I, YEHOVAH, yes, I. I labour in the garden of your hearts to bring about beauty for ashes and clothe you with a garment of Praise for the garment of heaviness – that which for so long you have carried. I AM here your Good and Great and Wonderful Example! A glad day! Full of joy and MY shining light. Never any dull moment!

I AM Hope. Cleave unto ME. I AM Doom and Destruction unto the wicked, yes, unto the wicked only and to the forces of darkness. I AM their end; their total annihilation. When indeed, the time shall come and all evil shall be eradicated for good – forever.

Greet one another with a kiss MY precious beloved children and let MY love flow through you unto the other. Share in MY joys and pleasures. For at MY right hand are joys and pleasures forever more. Proclaim this, your year of Jubilee, MY children and be ye set free! Shout and proclaim this the year of our LORD YEHOVAH! That the HOLY ONE BLESSED is HE may touch you, that HE may remember you before HIM and set you free from all your debts and all your shackles you have been shackled. That HE may unchain you, set you free from the dungeons ye have closed yourselves in. That HE may carry you unto safety on HIS back. That you may know Victory in every area of your lives! Hallelu YAH! Amen.

Shout proclaim this the year of your deliverance! Sing, dance like the Israelites and receive this day your Victory! For YEHOVAH, THE LORD of HOSTS, MIGHTY in War, goes ahead of you in battle array! Jealous for HIS Bride! And HE vanquishes all that shall and do stand in your way! Hallelu YAH!! Amen. Selah.

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