Given to Prophet אברהם בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven
Received on November 17, 2022 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 23 Cheshvan 5783
Prophetic Message
Beautiful is YEHOVAH! Give all the glory all the universe! Tremble before HIM! Give HIM the glory due HIS NAME! HE sits enthroned upon the praises of Yisrael! Hallelu YAH! HE is the MAKER of Heaven and Earth! Worship HIM in HIS Holiness!
HE is terrible to behold! HE is majestic! HE is regal! HE pulls down the proud and lifts up the humble. The proud nosed of the universe, HE crashes in the dust. It is HE that has power of body and soul to cast in Gehinom. In YEHOVAH are the past, present and future. Outside of HIM none of these exist.
HE purifies from the witches control. HE restores all things from her corruption. The woman shall be restored. She shall live holy and be holy unto I, YEHOVAH. All things shall be restored. She shall be delivered from Jezebel’s control and corruption. Earth shall be restored. I AM that I AM. Hallelu YAH! Amen.
I work MY works on this Earth. MY work shall be accomplished, one way or the other. I AM here and I do the Restoration work till it’s fully matured.