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Sin not against your brother/sister! | Heavenly Manna

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Sin not against your brother/sister! | Heavenly Manna

    FATHER YAHUVEH, mine eyes are sore with weeping. Destruction is all around and they keep on sinning. They have not learned the lesson. My soul doth long to flee to the mountains like a dove. Where are all the holy men with arms lifted up? Where are the righteous ones who rebuke sin in love? Where are all the true who like me have had enough? All the day long have we with the wicked strove. All the day long THOU hast pled with this backsliding nation. Yet, the end of THY Patience hath come and ushereth in the Day of THY Wrath.

Spare me like as in the day when the KING doth set aside HIS treasure. Surely THOU hast made me to be peculiar. THOU hast chosen me out of the earth for to show forth THY Grandeur. Though the drunkards make me to be their song, yet shall I delight myself in THY Ways. Though I be slandered by the throng, yet shall I give THEE the GLORY all of my days. Blessed be my KING, for HE hath set me atop HIS High Mountain! Blessed be my LORD, for HE hath reserved HIS rewards for he who obeys! Salvation belongeth unto YAHUVEH, for HE hath offered us ATONEMENT through HIS SON’S BLOOD!

Let not my heart grieve THEE, O KING. Create in me a new heart at each of the sun’s rising. Make not my heart to engage in vanity. Nay, but let this vessel only be filled with THY Righteousness. Out with the old wine and in with the new, for this do I desire in order to be used by YOU. YAHUSHUA my MASHIACH, THOU dost know the inward workings of my heart. Nothing can I hide from THEE, for THOU dost dwell within. Nothing can I hide from THEE, for I am THY creation.

ABBA YAHUVEH, for THY Great GLORY didst THOU form me in the womb. Yea, THOU broughtest me forth and washed me clean. By the Hand of THY SON didst THOU cause me to overnight be weaned. THOU hast done a quick work and cut the time short. THOU calledst me forth for to preach the Good Report. Grant me greater boldness that I may warn the more. Use me as a mouthpiece and through me roar. Upon the SOLID ROCK must they trust, if they are to weather the storm. They will not survive the tempest if they build on the seashore. The lost must unto YAHUSHUA run and HIM faithfully adore.

O GOD my CREATOR, I am helpless without THEE. Many a time hath this wretched heart sought to slay me. It is exceedingly deceptive and treacherously wicked. Yet I deny my flesh and pick up my cross. It is the only way if I am to be delivered of the dross. Purge THOU me and forgive me of my sin. Have mercy on this sheep, for without THEE I am lost. Before THEE my life was shipwrecked and by the tempest tossed. THOU didst repair me and paid the HIGH COST. Therefore I am THINE and in THEE alone boast!

O YAHUSHUA my MASHIACH, come forth with THY host! Let neither the guilty go free or the blaspheming foes! The wicked do trample THINE inheritance, mocking THY Throne. They shall reap the whirlwind, for with strange doctrine have they sown. THOU shalt dash them in pieces and deliver THINE own. Come, O MIGHTY ONE and in the WINEPRESS crush their bones.

Let THY TRUTH go forth from Zion and at the ends of the earth be known. Gather THINE elect and bring us home! THOU hast said that on this earth we have just roamed. With each passing day THOU dost not come do we make a sigh and moan. Yet by THY grace do we endure and onward go. Let these words come before THEE for THY PRAISE, HONOR, and GLORY!!! In THY NAME, YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH, I pray, AMEN!!!

Prophet Natan’EL


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