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The Bride of YAHUSHUA is Humble | Heavenly Manna

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The Bride of YAHUSHUA is Humble | Heavenly Manna

    O BELOVED MASHIACH, forgive me for putting the desires of my flesh above the desires of THY Heart. I feel THY HOLY RUACH grieving. Take THY BLOOD and wash me clean. Take THY hyssop and purge THOU me. I abandon my ways and seek THINE own. I forsake my deceitful heart of stone. Take THOU me in and plant me before THY Throne. I give THEE the GLORY, for THOU hast with THY BLOOD ATONED!

Rid me of the bondage of sin. Shine forth by the Light of THY SON. Drive this dark night away from my soul. I trust in THEE, for THOU wilt soon appear. I cleave unto THEE, for THOU art not far but near. THOU art the MESSIAH BRIDEGROOM whose announcement I shall hear. Her voice shall ring forth, for she is the appointed seer. I lay my pride down and release this burdening fear. Mine eyes hast THOU opened as well as my ears. THOU hast led me forth from the pit and delivered me from much tears. O my MESSIAH YAHUSHUA, please come this year!

The back-stabbing ways of the harlot church have slain many saints. They were betrayed by those whom they thought they could trust. The yeast of the pharisees did arise against them like a venomous snake. Have mercy, O YAH, and avenge them for THY NAME’S Sake! Put them to flight with a whirlwind from the south! Scatter them in THY Fury but leave none living in THY wake! Deliver us from the cruel beast that ariseth from the sea. Shoot down this son of perdition and crush him for his hate!

Come YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH, COME! Transform our hearts in the twinkling of an eye. Make us to be bone of THY Bone and flesh of THY Flesh. End our weeping and make to cease our sighs. Our hearts are perplexed at the strange ones in the earth. They call evil what is good in THY Sight. They afflict the needy and do much hurt. This evil generation doth work the works of him who sent them; the father of all lies. How much longer will YE with them strive? THOU wilt devour the darkness with THY SON’S Light!

Arise O MIGHTY ONE of Yisrael! Arise and take to them the Judgment Right! Let not the blood-guilty escape the dungeons of hell! Plunge them into the depths of this dead and dry well! They are bound unto satan, for unto him did they their souls sell. But we are of the Light, for THY SON YAHUSHUA did us tell! HIS SACRIFICE is unto THEE a sweet incense smell.

Let those who abide by the letter of the law receive the punishment set. They have a religion and art but as a shell. They show no mercy, so none shall they get. We go by the SPIRIT, who hath led us to the LIVING TRUTH. Our MESSIAH is alive and by HIS SPIRIT have we HIM met! PRAISE be to the LIVING TORAH who hath enlightened our darkness! PRAISE be to the LIVING MENORAH who dwelleth in the midst of us!

By HIS Anointing hath HE set me free! For the Salvation of this world was HE sacrificed on Calvary. HIS Love for us cannot be measured. YAHUSHUA is our KING and by HIS stripes have we jubilee! In HIM, over death and the grave, have we VICTORY! PRAISE be to our REDEEMER who shall not leave us in this dung heap!

HE shall appear in the midnight hour and we shall be changed for HIS GLORY! We shall awake with HIS Likeness and sing joyfully! We shall be clothed in HIS Righteousness and arise triumphantly! HALLELUYAH! The SPIRIT and the Bride say, “COME!” All of the Redeemed Ones say, “COME!” Come, we pray O MESSIAH Ben David! In THY NAME we pray, YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH, AMEN! AMEN!! AMEN!!!

Prophet Natan’EL


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