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True Victory Comes With a Price | Heavenly Manna (9)

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True Victory Comes With a Price | Heavenly Manna (9)

    LORD YAHUVEH, blessed be the fulness of THY GLORY and THINE EVERLASTING KINGDOM! The Breath of THY SHKHINYAH doth fill my wings. By THY SPIRIT do I mount up as an eagle and soar in the warmth of the SON. All the rubies and glittering jewels cannot compare with the brilliance of THY Radiance! THOU art HE who sitteth between the cherubim! Peals of thunder and charges of lightning do flow forth from THY Throne! THY NAME is Upright in TRUTH and limitless in POWER!

By THY NAME, THOU hast saved me. I call upon the NAME of the GREAT “I AM” and am granted jubilee. Set forth THY servant in the midst of humility. Clothe THY servant in holiness and purity. May THY NAME, and the NAME of the FATHER, be sealed upon mine countenance. Inspire THY servant to sing a New Song. Grant this request that I may leap a Joyful Dance!

In the land of great darkness did I wander long. In the miry pit, within the valley of death, did I lament and hiss. The stench of my sins had risen up before me. Yea, they were clean gone over my head. THOU lookedst down and had pity on this worm. THOU didst shed forth THY Love, Grace, and Mercy while others had left me for dead. THOU breathedst forth life and upon me THY Light THOU causedst to shine! THOU leddest me forth by THY Right Hand. THOU hath set me as a living stone within THY Crown. ALL PRAISE, HONOR, and GLORY be to the SON of YAHUVEH!

YAHUSHUA, my BELOVED MASHIACH, THOU tookest up the charge and did endure unto the end. THOU pressed on to the Hill Calvary. Upon THEE was my every sin laid. Upon THEE was made to rest the Wrath of ALMIGHTY GOD YAHUVEH! THOU hast paid the PRICE for my victory. THOU camest to set the captives free by exchanging places and being bound with our iniquity.

The LAMB of GOD was slain! The Altar, did HIS BLOOD stain! Rivers of Life did flow from HIS veins. Yet ’tis the TRUTH HE did not murmur, grumble, or complain. HE died that we might have life and live with the FATHER in unity again. BLESSED BE OUR GOD AND SAVIOUR, YEA AND AMEN!

THOU PRINCE of True Peace, shower forth THY Healing Rain. Hide us in THINE Ark and wipe away our pain. Send forth THY Hand and mold me, THY clay. I am THINE! Be THOU mine Helper and feed me with THY NAME!

ABBA YAHUVEH, I come to THEE in the NAME of YAHUSHUA my MASHIACH. Let THY Way be wrought in my life. Purify my heart and rid me of strife. Disrobe THOU mine heart. Circumcise the dross away. Let me be found worthy to stand in that day. I commit all things unto THEE and seek the Upright Path. I set mine eyes on holiness and desire the TRUTH of GOD, not fleshly wrath. Let the Word take root in my heart and flourish to the height of heaven. Use THY servant to drop down Good Fruit. Use this vessel to minister unto others. Use this broken vessel of clay for THY PRAISE, HONOR, and GLORY! Help me to walk crucified and to shun the way of pride. Let me not travel down that path, for unto destruction doth it lead and many there are that fall therein, not a few.

Let the NAME ABOVE ALL Names be magnified! Let the NAME of VICTORY be glorified! Let the NAME of YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH be extolled, be exalted; yea, be very high! HE is RISEN! HE is TRIUMPHANT! Yea, HE is FOREVER ALIVE! In YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH’S NAME, AMEN!!!

Prophet Natan’el


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