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Why hasn’t the LORD Returned? | Heavenly Manna

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Why hasn’t the LORD Returned? | Heavenly Manna

    O FAITHFUL MASHIACH, my heart hath at times been in great fear. My faith hath been tried and tested. THOU art not yet done refining me. O on that day may I be found well-pleasing unto THEE! May my heart take hold of THY Pure Doctrine and live the life THOU hast ordained so graciously. My flesh doth war against THY SPIRIT continually. I lay down my pride and take up my cross by the grace THOU hast granted mercifully.

Come YAHUSHUA my MASHIACH, for my heart doth after THEE pant. As the thundering hooves, so doth my heart beat in anticipation of THY GLORY! Prepare me, so that at THY Coming, I may be found worthy! Purge the darkness out of my heart with the POWER of THY LOVE. Pierce the darkness of the coldness of my heart and unite me to THY Hand. Cause me to take flight and dwell in the Peace of THY DOVE. THOU hast set me free, causing me to rise above!

Yea, THOU hast altogether made me to stand! I shall continue on in the Ways of THY SPIRIT though mine enemies are numerous as the sand. They shall all together be taken out to sea, for they made not YAH their SOLID LAND. They chose the doctrines of devils over the Pure Doctrine of Heaven. Rid me and deliver me from this tidal wave of leaven! Grant me THY TRUTH, for THOU hast, on my heart and in my mind, applied THY Brand. I am THINE; bought by the PRECIOUS BLOOD of the LAMB!

O LAMB of YAH, THOU hast not died in vain. THOU art not dead, yea THOU hast ascended from the grave. ABBA GOD YAHUVEH hast made THEE the Head and NOT the tail. On the Third Day, THOU didst come forth out of that cave! On that Cross THOU didst hang, pierced through by cruel nails. Yet ’twas not them that held THEE up, but THY Love, for THOU came not to condemn but to save! PRAISE be to our Merciful, Matchless, Loving, and Redeeming GOOD LORD ABBA YAHUVEH! By HIS Grace can we, in HIS SON YAHUSHUA’S BLOOD, bathe! HE is our HOPE and BLESSED SALVATION! ALL PRAISE, HONOR, and GLORY goeth unto HIM to whom they cry, “HOLY, HOLY, HOLY is the LORD YAHUVEH ALMIGHTY!”

Yea, HOLY and TRIUMPHANT is our ETERNAL GOD KING! HE is YAHUVEH the ANCIENT of Days! We have access to HIS Throne through the UPRIGHTNESS of HIS SON’S SHED HOLY BLOOD! HE hath by HIS own Right Hand reconciled us and made all things new. We stand in the PRECIOUS BLOOD of the LAMB! HE is the ELECT ONE, the ONE FAITHFUL and TRUE! HE is the PROPHESIED ONE, the ONE GREATER than Solomon. HE is the ONE spoken of to Moses, the HOLY ONE for to come.

Yea, HE did come, and suddenly, to that city called “Jerusalem.” Now HE sitteth at the Right Hand of GLORY atop Holy Mount Zion. HE doth for us, by Mercy, make Holy Intercession! Who shall lay anything to the charge of HIS elect? It is YAHUVEH that bringeth us Justification! Who shall separate us from the love of MASHIACH? Shall peril, or distress, or despair, or even tribulation? Nay, only take refuge in YAHUSHUA, for HE is our HIGH FORTRESS and GREAT ROCK!

PRAISE be to the LIVING GOD our YAHUVEH and let HIM who is the ROCK of our Salvation be EXALTED! PRAISE be to YAHUSHUA our GOOD SHEPHERD to whom we the holy ones flock! Let the earth abound in great gladness and burst forth with praise in all the vales. Our MESSIAH hath opened our eyes and removed the scales. Yea, HE hath circumcised our hearts and removed the veil. To him who is of a humble heart will HE reveal all that HIS mysteries entail.

HE doth not judge with a froward eye nor a false scale. Everything doth HE mercifully measure by the Divine Law of HIS Love! Let us not be ashamed but commit unto HIM all that we have and all that we are; yea, even all that we are not. So may it be for the HIGH PRAISE, HONOR, and ESTEEM of our BELOVED and BEAUTIFUL ABBA YAHUVEH! In YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH’S NAME, AMEN!!!

Prophet Natan’EL


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