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YAHUSHUA Is Coming! | Heavenly Manna

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YAHUSHUA Is Coming! | Heavenly Manna

    FAITHFUL BRIDEGROOM, THOU dost so joyfully encourage us. Strengthen us with more Words of THY Pure Love. Let us know the Perfection of THY Heart by burning THY TRUTH deep within ours. Yea, transform our hearts this very night. Transform our lives for to be well-pleasing in THY Sight.

THY Love is as the rising sun! Once we dwelt in the coldness of darkness. Then THOU didst arise with Healing in THY Warmth. THOU hast clothed our nakedness and removed our reproach. By THY BLOOD can we, unto YAHUVEH’S Throne, approach. Blessed be THY FAITHFULNESS, for in THEE is our Hope! Speak tenderly to us of THY Heavenly Home. THOU art always with us, never leaving us alone. THOU calmest our hearts by the comfort THOU hast shown. We do not shrink back into the dark, but rather rejoice in THY Glow.

Blessed be the Light of my SALVATION! Blessed be my KING who sitteth on Mount Zion! Up to the City of the GREAT KING shall I one day ascend. HE shall come for me and with a Great Shout descend. I know my GOD and HE knoweth me. I am a work of HIS Hands, made so awesomely! Give me a new heart, for the old worketh deceitfully. By the wickedness of my flesh was I slain. Yea, I was dead in the trespasses of my sin.

Yea though I was a sinner, MESSIAH came. HE came, HE saw, and HE conquered death, hell, and the grave. HE died and rose from the dead on the Third Day. Yea, while I was dead in my sins, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH died for me. HE hath given me a new start for to follow HIS Way. Help me BELOVED MASHIACH, that I may enter THY Gate. Help me to hold on tight to the Hem of THY Garment and not THEE forsake!

The wolves do approach in great number. They think THOU art as one who doth slumber. Have they not heard? Do they not know? THOU art HE who watcheth Israel; the GOD who never sleeps. THOU art alive and blessed forever more! By THEE am I well able to overcome these wolves in the clothing of sheep. They can only deceive a man or a woman.

They cannot deceive the CREATOR! They cannot deceive the only MASHIACH! The TRUTH be told, they shall be ground to powder beneath the SOLID ROCK! Give GLORY unto YAHUSHUA the KING, for HE is not mocked! HE revengeth speedily and will not at all acquit the rejected dross! HE was that slain LAMB but once! It was but once that HE had to hang on that Cross! For us did HE die and suffer loss!

O GREAT GOD, show THYSELF Mighty and slay the wicked! Plunge THY Glittering Weapon into the very depths of their hearts! Yea, run them through and cast their carcasses into the open field. Let the fowls of the air feast on their inward parts. THOU shalt, with THY Rod, dash asunder their shields. THOU hast broken them to pieces; they cannot be healed! Their wound is incurable, for their fate has been sealed!

Blessed be our AVENGER who counts as precious the blood of HIS saints! Blessed be our MAKER who doeth whatsoever HE will! Our GOD is a CONSUMING FIRE! HE purifieth HIS holy ones and devoureth HIS adversaries. YAHUVEH is our ROCK! HE is GOD alone and there is none other! Blessed be HIS GLORIOUS NAME and HIS SON, our REDEEMER and BROTHER! In YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH’S NAME, AMEN!!!

Prophet Natan’EL

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